Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [noun sg] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Chapter 15 discusses the distinction between experts and arbitrators and sets out the factors for an assessment of which category a referee belongs to .
2 She let it be known that this was a cause she would wish to be supported and therefore we intend to open a Fund for a period of six months from 1st March — 1st September at the end of which time the Society will donate the money to the hospital in Molly 's name .
3 Steam for 70 min , by the end of which time the pudding will be perfectly puffed up and set with a just-molten streak in the centre .
4 … it is in England that the most beautiful products have been obtained ; in proof of which assertion the Reporter confidently points to the splendid exhibition of Messrs. SIMPSON , MAULE , and NICHOLSON ( United Kingdom , 600 ) , which has attracted such general attention .
5 This is so irrespective of whose possession the goods were in at the time .
6 Its title , significantly , assumed the deterioration of the physical condition of the population from some presumed superior state in the past , of whose existence no proof existed .
7 Referring to it as an artificial " pampered velveteen system " , the union journal was scathing about its " pretentions " : The small office in Edinburgh called the Caledonian Press … was opened a year ago , under the patronage of many of the nobility and members of the learned professions : yet with all its boasting about promoting the employment of women … and opening up a fresh field … to the " surplus female population " … it actually employs fewer women than any simple respectable milliner , of whose philanthropy the world takes little note .
8 The Home Secretary 's reference was made following complaints by the appellant of police malpractice , an investigation by the P.C.A. and the quashing of convictions in other cases involving one of the officers of whose conduct the appellant complained .
9 In those days , simply being British seems to have been a passport to the higher circles of whatever country the traveller set foot in .
10 Credit was given in the claim to the cost of whatever property the plaintiff would have purchased in any event had the accident not happened .
11 He added : ‘ At this stage I ca n't give you any indication of what level the toll might be … it depends on the amount of interest from industry and commerce . ’
12 Note here the delicate manner in which O Faircheallaigh approaches the issue of what influence the mining companies exerted over Irish politicians :
13 Basically this determination must first take account of what prospect the patient has of advancing along the line from hopelessness to improvement to recovery .
14 The anniversaries , called ‘ birthdays ’ , of the martyrs were carefully remembered , and so came to create the earliest church calendars ( so that the historian can know on what day of what month a martyr died , but not necessarily in what year , that being of no liturgical significance ) .
15 In this baseline you have a measure of the PB in terms of what time the child actually goes to bed .
16 This raised the question of what policy the Comintern ought to adopt towards such movements , which in its turn was intimately related to the security concerns of the fledgling Soviet state .
17 The rationale for trying to obtain verbatim records of children 's speech in naturalistic settings is that it provides the best indication of what language a child actually uses in ordinary , everyday settings .
18 We simply do not have any clear conception of what form a transition from capitalism to socialism would take , above all because there is no convincing historical experience of such a transition .
19 The traditional public finance approach to intergovernmental grants ( or grants-in-aid ) which flow from central ( or federal ) government to local ( or state ) authorities has been concerned with the question of what form the grant should take .
20 His only chance of escape from that prospect is by opting to give and then in fact giving a replacement specimen of whichever kind the constable requires of him , subject only to his right to object to giving blood on medical grounds , and , if they are accepted by the doctor , then to give urine instead .
21 The Royal Air Force wants up to 2000 rounds of whichever type the ministry selects .
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