Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The crusades were preached by the official Church ; but the enthusiasm with which the preaching was greeted was due to a wide variety of emotions , of which zeal for a different doctrine from the pope 's was one of the most powerful .
2 I am delighted that Haringey councillor Ian Willmore has rediscovered the problems of Tottenham and has even taken to pondering the question of which candidate for the Labour leadership is best equipped to tackle these problems ( Letters , 24 April ) .
3 Discussions with the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund ( BMIF ) had taken place , as a result of which insurance in a limited form would be available for the benefit of those subject to disciplinary proceedings , with effect from April 1993 .
4 I decided to put sections of the lake and river systems in the background , allowing an impression of the vegetation on the banks and in the distance to give a general idea of which part of a river or what type of lake was shown .
5 Feargal bought her ticket , made sure she understood the map of which part of the mountain was hers to search , and then pointed her in the right direction .
6 The Piazza , of which critics of the new paving say that the flat grey expanse is looking increasingly like linoleum , and its monuments , are now emerging from their lengthy cleaning and restoration campaign .
7 British Gypsum , part of BPB Industries plc , is the UK 's largest supplier of plaster products ( of which BPB as a whole is Europe 's largest supplier ) .
8 It was they who introduced and developed the political vocabulary in terms of which protagonists of the Left interpreted the revolutionary drama .
9 Patients presenting with clinical evidence of gastrointestinal haemorrhage were endoscoped urgently , the source of bleeding identified , and appropriate treatment instituted including endoscopic sclerotherapy irrespective of which arm of the trial they had been randomised to .
10 First , context suggests the sort of thing that might be said ( the crash was on a border , so the question of which side of the border something will happen on is appropriate ) .
11 It is a question of which side of the river you take — the Maidenhead or the Buckinghamshire side .
12 Teachers ' expectations , stereotyping and labelling are seen as the mechanisms by means of which membership of an ethnic or gender group results in ethnic or sex disparities in achievements or in particular types of classroom behaviour .
13 So , far from it being appropriate to assimilate inner perception to outer perception , as Locke does , we must acknowledge that mental phenomena are ‘ the only phenomena of which perception in the strict sense of the word is possible ’ .
14 Can I make a suggestion about , probably not relevant to B T but might be relevant to the other continuous jobs , if like health care it nearly follows the procedure that you 've got at the moment and that is that in that procedure you have somewhere a line that says that your continuous jobs at the beginning of the job , or early on in the job , in the master job file there is put a note of which parts of the procedure apply and which parts do n't , or how filing is done , or whatever bit is different , which allows you the flexibility for each job to have it 's own , to have it 's own small procedure that forms part of the master job file , that says this is how this one is done , if those differences are very small .
15 I decided to have a year off myself and played a bare minimum to remind myself of which end of the club to hold .
16 Last year they made a net profit of £17,345,000 , of which 79p in every pound goes to the charity 's overseas programme .
17 I wonder if we could move now move over to the first which is on er the first main resolution of which amendment to the other resolution .
18 Mr Winner , most of whose efforts with the camera thus far have been studies of his girlfriend , actress Jenny Seagrove , was paid £200 by the book 's publishers for his Gielgud picture .
19 The earthquake of 12 October caused a range of damage to over150 Pharaonic , Coptic and Islamic monuments in and around Cairo , weakening a number of structures that were already unstable and details of whose condition before the quake do not exist .
20 All accounts , books , ledger , financial and other records of whatsoever kind of the Vendor relating to the Business are in the possession of the Vendor and give and reflect a true and fair view of all transactions entered into and of the financial and contractual position of the Business and of its assets and liabilities in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards and statutory requirements .
21 A.4 Any rights of rescission expressly granted to the Purchaser in this Agreement shall be in addition to and without prejudice to any rights of the Purchaser of whatsoever nature under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 or any other enactment or at law .
22 But Mr Lowe agrees with Joe Corrie who remembers playing halma of whatever description in the Twenties .
23 that five thousand that 's regardless of whatever size of the
24 For one , the method is predicated on a claim that answers offered by a respondent to questions proffered by an interviewer are indicators of whatever aspects of the respondent 's social life and being that are the subject of investigation .
25 A review of the procedure demands an assessment of whether these objectives are achieved , and , if they are not , a consideration of what reforms of the present procedure are necessary or whether a more radical approach is required .
26 Similarly , the description of the conventions regarding the form of language to be used are to be interpreted more as a parody and critique of the rival Academy than as evidence of what members of the Royal Society really did .
27 In their words , ‘ if one knew no other facts , it would be possible to explain two-thirds of the variation in community health expenditure by a knowledge of what proportion of the population in each region were managers , employers , or professional workers . ’
28 The Freeman coding can be further enhanced by supplementing it with an indication of what proportion of the whole character each vector represents .
29 In order to observe this and to try to understand something of what life in the movement was like at first hand — and , of course , to try to observe the operation of sociological variables such as social control — I lived for several periods of a week or so , over a span of six years , in Unification centres and participated in various of their functions .
30 ‘ … and that is the greatest danger , according to Minch , ’ Kraal told him one day , concluding a brief account of what life in the Cages was like .
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