Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The more powerful , well-established organizations were often able to put forward their own projects — many of which might simply have been cancelled because of capital cut-backs after the International Monetary Fund imposed constraints in 1976 .
2 For fear that those who disseminate racist propaganda would turn to newer mediums of communication , it was decided to deal explicitly and comprehensively with all forms of communication such as films , tapes , records and video recordings , f not all of which would unambiguously have fallen within the proposed law .
3 One proposal was for a new head of state to be elected by the National Assembly , but under an alternative plan the National Assembly would elect a Presidium , the chair of which would also assume the post of head of state .
4 SAVE , supported by English Heritage , promptly submitted a powerful statement supporting the case for considering the statue as a fixture , the removal of which would profoundly affect the character of the listed building .
5 Ten minutes later I was back in the changing-room on my mobile bed wolfing tea and sandwiches , parts of which would eventually find their way into my now polypless colon .
6 That barrier , a common external tariff , was integral to the Treaty of Rome , which wanted to go beyond a free trade area to a customs union , which the Six believed was a far more effective way of developing the potential of their internal market , the logic of which would ultimately oblige them to adopt common policies and harmonise their regulations .
7 Friends of the Earth proposes a dozen green taxes , three of which would directly affect the motorist , It calls for abolition of road tax , but for the price of petrol to be raised to what it was in real terms in 1975 .
8 Yet the suggestion that there should be a power to impose selective bans was rejected , neither police nor judges appearing willing to become involved in such a politically sensitive task , the exercise of which would certainly bring forth accusations of bias .
9 A spate of laws ( detailed analysis of which would far exceed the limits of this article ) passed in 1990 helped the country 's emergence from the straightjacket of centralist monopolies .
10 Between the ranks of bared heads ( one or another of which would occasionally turn to take a quick glance of inspection at his own face ) he could just make out the graceful figure of Mrs Wright herself , kneeling on a hassock in front of the table .
11 It tried to injunct the newspaper , on the ground that the papers contained military and diplomatic secrets , the disclosure of which would substantially damage the national interest .
12 They recommended full lime and phosphate subsidies being re-introduced , retaining the application of the Sheepmeat Regime and Suckler Cow Premium in the LFA , encouraging more take-up of grant schemes , raising all AHGS grants to 70% and extending their scope , payment of existing HLCA levels in the ‘ disadvantaged ’ LFA extension and others , all of which would seriously exacerbate the conflict .
13 I beg to move , That this House welcomes the great progress that has been made in employment and the reduction of strikes since 1979 and condemns the employment policies of the Labour Party , particularly its proposals to encourage strikes , to accept every aspect of the European Commission 's Social Action Programme and to impose a national statutory minimum wage , all of which would significantly increase burdens on British employers , undermine competitiveness and destroy jobs .
14 In contrast , the actual role of modified linguistic input may be to provide the child with a restricted set of choices , any number or combination of which may ultimately lead to developmental progress .
15 It has also been said that such activities can help to raise the general level of energy of members of the household , the depletion of which may often show itself as a succession of minor illnesses .
16 The secret is the human voice — at once intimate and personal to you — much more magic in a way than the announcer on TV backed by his hi-tech coloured images flashing across the screen or pictures of the events being described — all of which may actually lessen the feeling of personal involvement .
17 Anyway , Europe boasts a variety of approaches to this tax even the number of VAT periods varies by country — all of which may potentially need accommodating by any accounting system claiming to be pan-European .
18 None of which may initially bother the Western Koi-keeper , whose main concern is to provide good water quality for his fish .
19 Plans for the Herbarium/Library extension envisage one additional staff workstation for circulation , and two additional OPAC stations , one of which will also run the Library 's CD-ROM drive .
20 That is , let us assume that this is the price the expectation of which will just suffice to maintain the existing aggregate amount of production ; some firms meanwhile rising and increasing their output and others falling and diminishing theirs ; but the aggregate production remaining unchanged .
21 In initiating my original purchase I incur an obligation to make a payment in money , but I in turn have to have a source from which I can acquire the money in the first place , and this will , directly or indirectly , put me into at least a temporary relationship with a great variety of people , including the reader who purchased this book from a bookstall and paid out money , some small fraction of which will eventually find its way back to myself .
22 For the first time in their four-year history the awards will have a regional stage ; the winners of which will then have a chance to win one of nine national awards in London on November 17 .
23 Since many of the products , and most of the drugs , emerge from economies fuelled by intense competition , is there not a danger of mere frivolous novelties or wasteful duplication , all of which will nonetheless require testing ?
24 Increased usage of renewable energy sources , most of which will mainly convert energy into electricity , will necessitate better methods of storage of electrical energy than at present .
25 Each is a Ring of Protection , and each of which will only function as a magical ring if it can be separated from the others .
26 Despite the risks this must be a better investment of public money than the massive R and D devoted to defence , most of which will never give an economic return , and which can not — or certainly should not — be exported , for strategic reasons — not to mention moral ones .
27 All of which must surely bring business from surrounding areas into Liverpool thereby benefitting the city and everybody .
28 However , it should not be too difficult to imagine several different titles for passage ( 3 ) , each of which could equally facilitate comprehension .
29 Although his interest is welcomed , it does seem somewhat inappropriate for someone on holiday from the other side of the world , without any apparent local knowledge , making brief comments in what is a major debate within the Board 's area , the outcome of which could seriously affect many patients and their families for many years .
30 However , numerical experimentation has , of course , its own problems , lack of awareness of which can easily lead to spurious conclusions .
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