Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [pron] [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 Then the spider will roll it up and , so as not to waste the valuable protein of which it is made , eat it .
32 The Government reckons it will cost about £4 million to implement , 75 per cent of which it is hoped will be clawed back from industry .
33 Managing director Albero Sandoval places the potential market at 100,000 users , predicting that this will rise to 600,000 subscribers over the next 10 years , of which it is hoped that some 300,000 will use Sistelcom 's system .
34 The application of the UCTA 1977 to non-consumer indemnities will depend not merely on the clause , but on the nature of the liability in respect of which it is invoked , as is illustrated by the decisions of the Court of Appeal in Phillips Products Ltd v Hyland [ 1987 ] 2 All ER 620 and Thompson v T Lohan ( Plant Hire ) Ltd ( JW Hurdiss Ltd , third party ) [ 1987 ] 2 All ER 631 .
35 Thus , even if inquiry is a goal-directed activity , the goals in terms of which it is directed do not represent a substantive conception of the ‘ end ’ to which the process tends .
36 Here , we shall provisionally assume that whenever an adjective , e.g. long , is used , there is in the world which the speaker postulates ( if only for the sake of discussion ) some entity of which it is used , directly or indirectly .
37 A legacy which earmarks , not a particular thing , but a particular fund or collection out of which it is to come ( e.g. ‘ one of my three violins ' ) is called demonstrative .
38 But a demonstrative legacy , if the fund out of which it is to come ceases to exist before the death , becomes payable as a general legacy .
39 Briefing on business matters should include basic details such as normal hours of work as well as information on the structure of the work-force , including the nationalities of which it is comprised and where , if any , skill shortages exist .
40 In contrast to peoples who believe that their communities have existence through time through rules of corporation , the Piaroa do not understand ‘ community ’ and the relationships of which it is comprised as a political given that allows for continuity through time .
41 The account presupposes the very concept , redness , the acquisition of which it is meant to explain .
42 This is a result of that historical process by which , through new media such as printing , material goods have been created with cumulative effect ; as a result of this powerful force for cultural production , the present generation has inherited a vast accretative mass of products in terms of which it is expected to know itself .
43 On I Crush Bozo and My Skin Covers My Body , Happy Flowers take hardcore back to its primal matrix of unrequited desire and disproportionate rage : infancy 's uncontrolled appetites for oral and anal gratification , its delusions of omnipotence , its terror of the breakdown of the borderline between identity and the primal abjection out of which it 's formed .
44 I hate my rotten job and I 'm still not earning enough and I do n't see the kids enough and there are n't enough people like you with enough of whatever it is to change anything .
45 Thus although it is commonly suggested that the notion of certainty is relevant to the analysis of claims to knowledge , but not to the analysis of knowledge itself ( e.g. , in Woozley , 1953 ) , this leaves us with no method of explaining why certainty should be required before one can claim knowledge when it is not required for knowledge itself , i.e. , for the existence of what one is claiming .
46 In general , the actual psychological causation of an utterance may be related to all sorts of different degrees of endorsement in one 's actual beliefs and attitudes of what one is meaning to say .
47 Every bride looks beautiful — this is partly because of what she is wearing and partly because she is usually glowing with happiness .
48 She is silently waiting for me now to understand the nature of what she is offering me .
49 Alternatively , the sender may wish to make certain parts of the message the topic of what she is saying — the focus of attention — and others simply comments .
50 described two distinct states of affair , namely , ( a ) where the wife is alive to what she is signing and is procured to sign by the undue influence of her husband ; and ( b ) where the wife is not aware of what she is signing and the only ground for impeaching the document is her want of understanding .
51 In each case , the child must not only find a way of getting the adult to notice the object , but she must do this in such a way that the adult is aware of what she is doing and why she is doing it .
52 I try to make a joke out of what she 's driving at , and lean forward to poke her in the belly .
53 If you imagine you can use me to remind Mademoiselle Rabier of what she 's missing by paying attention to her friend Bernard then you can think again ! ’
54 It , it 's a case of what she 's letting herself in for if we strike this out .
55 Karajan 's devout acceptance of what there is proved to be the Fifth Symphony 's best bet , given the untold care and effort that has gone into the shaping of the minutest detail of phrasing and , indeed , colouristic effect .
56 The influential are those who get the most of what there is to get
57 Obviously have some indication of what someone 's gon na charge
58 The singer is expected to be able to realize and express the emotional and spiritual implications of what he is singing .
59 The layman who reads this document is left with little or no idea of what he is undertaking .
60 In Liverpool , a dockers ' spokesman with the Transport and General Workers Union admitted : ‘ Drivers are n't happy handling some of these commodities , but at least a lorry-driver has more idea of what he is handling than a docker , who could have a consignment and just not know what it is . ’
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