Example sentences of "of [noun sg] over [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This expenditure was funded from a surplus of income over expenditure of £876,208 with the balance coming from specific donations to the Eagle Lodge and Therapy Wing projects and from the Association 's general funds .
2 In the USA , in national opinion polls conducted since Chernobyl , there has been a consistent two-to-one margin of opposition over support for new construction of nuclear power stations .
3 Blocking of vote over return of Aristide
4 The line numbers given here give a better sense of the preponderance of dialogue over narrative in the Shipman 's Tale , a ratio of about 2:1 .
5 After the death of Chilperic and the revolt of Gundovald in 584 , Guntram recognized his nephew as being fit to rule in his own name , but even this did not ensure consistently good relations between the two kings , not least because of differences of opinion over control of certain cities , and because of the ramifications of the Gundovald affair .
6 There are two parallel statutory systems of control over Church of England churches : the Church 's system , and the secular system .
7 If it is seen as part of control over quality of education , the parent might ask why the child should be given access at all .
8 This element of control over entry to the trade was crucial to the prospects of artisan unions .
9 The state was forced to assume some measure of control over distribution of food and levels of profits , and thus intervene in the market .
10 The first gave him a degree of control over appointment to benefices in the Church ; the second referred certain cases to his court and gave him certain prerogative powers .
11 But labour has consequences for consciousness in that rules for instrumental action are developed which enable the subject to have a measure of control over nature through the use of tools .
12 Whatever its actual effect , the English wanted at least to make sure that they would not be out of pocket over expansion in America , and the fear that they would lose money was expressed by the economist Charles Davenant when he wrote in 1698 : ‘ it can not reasonably be admitted that the mother country should impoverish herself to enrich the children nor that Britain should weaken herself to strengthen America . ’
13 Meanwhile , with the sweet taste of victory over bureaucracy in our mouths , we set about disbanding the old Amateur Radio Association , relinquishing the amateur call letters 1OAB , and organizing a commercial company , CHAB , Limited .
14 Already characterized by the victory of democracy over authoritarianism in Latin America , this new age would , he said , be bolstered by a new economic partnership linking both hemispheres in a free-trade zone stretching from Alaska to Cape Horn , a concept expounded in the US Enterprise for the Americas Initiative launched by Bush in June 1990 [ see p. 37526 ] .
15 He subsequently concluded that , in spite of his own intentions , it was still too deeply coloured by the thought of Kierkegaard and Heidegger , that it gave faith a wrong kind of priority over revelation in the arrangement of its material , and that its account of faith was more Existentialist than Christian .
16 The molar mass is then related to the excess electron density Δρ c of solute over solvent for λ=0.154; nm by where R o is the Rayleigh ratio at .
17 The National Union of Women Workers , NUWW ( a philanthropic offshoot of Hopkins ' Ladies ' Association for the Care of Friendless Girls formed in 1895 ) , launched a fresh assault on the conspiracy of silence over incest at their annual conference in 1906 .
18 An objective is a quantitative statement of improvement over time of some aspect of the follower 's activities .
19 Criticizing the orthodox Marxism which regarded dialectics as an external law validated by natural science , Lukács argued for the primacy of history over economics as the most significant element in the methodology of Marxism .
20 If you could make a profit of approximately £2,500 per week for the fourteen or so unoccupied weeks ( a big if ! ) you would turn that excess of expenditure over income into an income surplus .
21 The financial year ending 31 July 1956 showed an alarming excess of expenditure over income in the general account of £2,238 .
22 Thus the decorative sumptuousness of the no longer oppositional , visual arts was matched by monumentalism , baroque self-indulgence , and primacy of symbol over function in Vienna 's built environment .
23 Measurements reveal a pronounced seasonal range in concentration at Mauna Loa of about 6–7 ppm , which reflects an excess of photosynthesis over respiration during the spring and summer , and the reverse during the autumn and winter .
24 Although councils have often been appointed to sit on the boards , more recently they have been more open to direct local authority involvement : in the case of Sheffield in 1988 , for example , there was a substantial degree of negotiation over representation from the start .
25 Even when age of acquisition and age at time of test are controlled there is a consistent gap in favour of production over comprehension of BSL for groups of signers with average six , 12 and 20 years ' experience ( Kyle , Woll and Llewellyn-Jones , 1981 ) .
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