Example sentences of "of [noun sg] to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For the management of change to be effective it is of paramount importance to identify the factors which , unless properly controlled , tend to create adverse effects such as those enumerated in the preceding section .
2 The purchaser hopes that if ever a court considers any one level of protection to be unreasonable , it may sever this from the agreement and leave the other covenants untouched or impose a more reasonable amended form .
3 ‘ There is quite a lot of local demand for this type of building to be available to buy .
4 The case is one more illustration of the extreme technicality of the law relating to the sentencing of juveniles , and the need to simplify the provisions governing the relationship between two forms of detention which are likely at least in this type of case to be indistinguishable from each other in their implementation .
5 But there 's no room for anyone of course to be complacent about the growing er demand of the needs of children er a subject of such importance here .
6 So in order to have something that enables you to keep records of two or three hundred customers , and then of course to be able to print out some sort of lists or invoices at the end of it , you would need to pay , probably even now , a couple of thousand pounds , and very often of course more .
7 Whatever may be its points of similarity to , or difference from , other countries ' villages as social institutions , it has very special qualities of picturesqueness , not of course to be confused with quaintness .
8 Or ( assuming breach of contract to be unlawful means ) that A is liable in tort if , in order to bring down B , he breaches his contract with him ?
9 There were interviews of which oral evidence was given in the inquiry ordered by the visitor but these were found by Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle to be neutral so far as the question at issue falls to be considered .
10 It takes a lot of patience to be friendly towards people who at first seem hostile and resentful .
11 It needed a lot of experience to be able to hold it correctly so that all the twenty-five shots in the magazine riddled the target .
12 I do n't think they 're short of money to be honest cos Valerie has a good job
13 You see , there are people in the City who would pay a vast sum of money to be able to boast they had real rabbit at one of their dinners . ’
14 Must an item be able to fulfil all four functions of money to be able to be classed as money ?
15 Preliminary investigations showed the required quantity of feedstock to be available .
16 It is rare , today , for a substantial Act of Parliament to be comprehensive of the matters it deals with .
17 Over the years laws have been made and amended declaring certain kinds of action to be criminal and punishable with imprisonment or fines .
18 Currently under review , the regulations list six categories of industry to be subject to IPC , namely : fuel and power , metal , mineral , chemical , waste disposal and other industries .
19 But you 've got to have that peace of mind to be able to do that .
20 The US pavilion is a dull rehash of a Barton Myers design used in a previous exposition and will need a super-human input of labour to be ready on time .
21 ‘ It gives me a lot of pleasure to be top but the fact that everybody is surprised is disappointing . ’
22 At some stage in her sleep of exhaustion she drifted close enough to the surface of consciousness to be aware of a deep voice exclaiming over her , of strong arms that lifted and carried her , but in no way could she fight her way up from the smothering blanket of physical and mental fatigue .
23 The need for arousal thought well should I be absolutely calm when I 'm giving a presentation but I never am so is it right and now understanding that you need a certain level of arousal to be able to perform at all is is satisfying for me because at least I understand the situation now and able to work with it rather than against it .
24 Storage heights of 50 m appears to be a distinct possibility , racked rather than stacked goods to be the general trend and an increasing degree of automation to be likely .
25 It could not be done by direct supervision because of the inability of management to be present at the face frequently enough .
26 It needs to be studied with some form of magnification to be able to appreciate its full beauty .
27 It takes a lot of skill to be able to learn in this way , although it is the way often taught at school — the old talk-and-chalk method of ‘ You listen while the teacher talks ’ .
28 Partly , Davie believes , because the British are now too ignorant of prosody to be able to hear Bunting 's precise , subtle music ; partly because , as an associate of Pound and Zukovsky , he is ‘ an embarrassment to the numerous English historians who would have it that modernism in poetry was a temporary , American-inspired distraction from a native tradition … ’
29 An appeal was made for members of committee to be present .
30 No I do n't really know him outside of work to be honest
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