Example sentences of "of [noun sg] and their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed at first Kersal enjoyed the run of play and their half-time lead should have been more than 6 points , fly half Neil Pearson out of sorts , he missed 4 penalties .
2 More specifically , on the issue of cultural hierarchies and class relations the Situationists tried to distance themselves from bourgeois notions of progress and their equivalence in the neo-avant-garde of the post-war period .
3 The different survival rates reflect the diverse types of leukaemia and their resistance to treatment .
4 In effect , we will complete each theory by articulating both their criterion of responsibility and their test for the limits of obligations , so that they may face each other as fully prepared contestants for the honour of being liberal theories of contract law .
5 Subsequently all four men were convicted of smuggling and their defence counsel stated in court in their defence that they were " the dupes and pawns in a high powered enterprise while the real criminals behind the racket were getting away scot free . "
6 Teachers were also asked to assess the extent to which these concepts or skills contributed to the HMI eight areas of experience and their degree of relevance to pupils in terms of getting a job ; personal development ; subject development ; leisure , and so forth .
7 With prices at their lowest level for 14 years , small farmers are turning away from the crop , even though it is often their only source of income and their governments ' only source of foreign exchange .
8 But to historicise this recognition effectively we need to understand that discourses and practices do not arbitrarily emerge from the flux of possibilities ; nor are discourses the only contact with the real ; they have their conditions of existence and their effects in concrete historical , social , economic and ideological situations .
9 Mersey Regional Health Authority spokeswoman Jackie Rankin said : ‘ It was very successful for a lot of people who had time to reflect on what they drink and what it costs them in terms of money and their health .
10 A breath of ill-fortune and they are plotting treachery , a bag of money and their mind is changed . ’
11 changes in the organisation of production and labour in the context of recession and their implications for pay , productivity , international competition and the quantity and character of employment .
12 Thus , protestant loyalists fight incorporation into a united Ireland for the reason that their perception of protestantism and their values of polity contain a powerful rejection of catholic monopoly , which they identify with catholicism tout court .
13 Our official party on board Venturous was ferried out by Valiant and comprised members of the Board with other heads of Department and their wives .
14 These exports are still , to be sure , ‘ dependent ‘ , in the terms of the matrix in chapter 1 , but they are none the less valuable and help to explain the asymmetry of the multi-nationals ’ share of investment and their share of trade .
15 The Varieties of Vine and their Cultivation
16 He employs the notion of ‘ cognitive dissonance ’ , met above in chapter 5 , and argues that individuals , e.g. many academics , have to have dissonance between their espousal of equity and their lack of any direct action to alter it .
17 However , this success does not seem to have been repeated in terms of prediction and their use as bases for mechanical trading rules .
18 But those are ceremonial events in which citizens reaffirm their surrender of sovereignty and their carelessness of their personal autonomy .
19 Thirteen types of question and their objectives , together with examples are given in Table 2 .
20 The French consumers ' demands for quality of manufacture and their desire for a fun approach to dressing remain the hallmarks of a label which has enjoyed a cult following in the UK during the past few years .
21 Their hatred of exploitation and their knowledge of western capitalism and the socialist movement it had brought into being led them to utopian socialist illusions .
22 Codes and signs , their frame of reference and their use together form a discourse .
23 Discrimination learning is especially important for nursing practice as nurses are constantly faced with distinguishing between one set of conditions and another in the form of signs and symptoms , in the form of differences in kinds of equipment and their use , and in the form of differences in patients ' problems and needs .
24 Listed below are many of the most popular forms of exercise and their activity values on a scale of I to 10 .
25 It 's for sufferers of amnesia and their carers , and it 's run by Deborah Wearing whose husband , Clive , was the subject of a film by Jonathan Miller called Prisoner of Memory .
26 Many services , it was noted , have a degree of intangibility and their quality is often an important aspect of their delivery .
27 The fairies giggle at their antics as they do at those of Bottom and their Queen .
28 Fires which are started intentionally often have multiple points of origin and their occurrence may sometimes coincide with attempts to reduce the effectiveness of the protective system .
29 It may seem obvious that employers ' work-force policies will affect employees ' experiences of work and their outlook towards work .
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