Example sentences of "of [noun sg] when they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In any long-standing power relationship the person or group losing each conflict must have interests which are suppressed , and either do not appear in the public realm or quickly founder for lack of support when they do materialize .
2 No-one can have shown Americans round cities such as London , Brighton or Bristol and not been subjected to gasps of horror when they see the depredation wrought on them by ill-sited high buildings and demolished streets .
3 In another room they had a stroke of luck when they came across a large paper bag of fruit , a couple of packets of biscuits , a tin of shortbread , a jar of butterscotch and an unopened bottle of Johnnie Walker whisky .
4 Burglars caused £2,000 worth of damage when they broke into a greengrocers ' shop in Castlegate , Thirsk , and stole £45 in cash .
5 Burglars caused £2,000 worth of damage when they broke into a greengrocers ' shop in Castlegate , Thirsk , and stole £45 in cash .
6 His family claim he was badly concussed and the RAF were guilty of negligence when they allowed him to make the second jump .
7 and erm , then of course when they reached Felixstowe , everything was a bit chaotic because th they had to sleep on the floor in the schools down there
8 He 'd send them then , he every dock was numbered from one to hundred and thirty and he 'd say righto , number one so and so , number five so and so and of course when they come back to the pool , they 'd go on the end of the rota .
9 So he went up and had a scan and they s they checked it and of course when they checked the scan they noticed that his kid one of his kidneys had n't been functioning for a long time .
10 Of course when they did reappear the predictable line ‘ And on the seventh day he rested ’ was much used .
11 And you knew what they were thinking , they were trying to weigh up whether they dare go across the stepping stones and you could tell by their faces and what they did of course when they decided no it was beyond them and they 'd play safe and they 'd go back the same way .
12 People hold speculative balances of money when they anticipate that interest rates will rise ( security prices will fall ) .
13 Are they at any form of disadvantage when they come to university studying a science subject such as chemistry ?
14 2.6 At common law the relatives had no cause of action when they suffered loss in consequence of a tortiously inflicted death .
15 She had started the second stage of labour when they carried her into the Rotunda and hurried her away into the labour ward .
16 erm towards the end of the century it was just about possible for middle class girls , or a few middle class girls to get a reasonable academic education at one of the G P D S schools — we 've got one in Hove , you know the girls ' public day school trust foundations — but only very few went there and got what would be equivalent now to a kind of secondary education and a very , very , very , very tiny minority of those girls could go on to university if they faced an enormous amount of opposition when they got there and also to get there in the first place , but for most girls there was only a basic elementary education , which increasingly stressed the sort of domestic side of a girl 's vocation .
17 He wrote that it was ‘ not cruel to animals but , rather , indulgent to men … since it absolves them of the suspicion of crime when they eat or kill animals ’ .
18 It 's then that we can start enjoying our aloneness and cope better with any feelings of isolation when they occur , as the following description shows :
19 Bolinger points out furthermore that the use of the to infinitive after verbs of perception when they shift to the inferential sense fits into an overall pattern with the object + infinitive construction .
20 I mean , you think about all this I mean a load of crap when they have larders and all that !
21 It seems to demonstrate that secretaries instead of being secretaries expect to become executives , which was presumably not in the job terms of reference when they applied .
22 It would be wrong to give the impression that Liz , Alix and Esther fell into one another 's arms with cries of delight when they met again that October , or to suggest that they proved thereafter inseparable .
23 The crucial point about the CICB was not the source of its power but the fact that the function it was performing was very similar to the ( public ) function performed by courts of law when they award damages in tort for personal injuries .
24 She put it on the kitchen table now but suspected it would still be lumps of ice when they came to eat it .
25 A spokesman said : ‘ The advice from Boeing is that the pins should be checked for wear after 3,000 cycles but we decided we will replace them as a matter of routine when they reach that figure . ’
26 But I always remember they got this snap of whisky , the men got a nip of whisky and the women got a glass of wine when they come in .
27 They were therefore guilty of robbery when they used force seconds after seizing the property .
28 For all its ‘ popularity ’ , many parents feel a sense of guilt when they smack .
29 We applaud this kind of person when they climb mountains , cross deserts , sail oceans and survive against incredible odds .
30 After ten years , they may well have reached the zenith of maturity when they know no non-Christian friends at all !
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