Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [that] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The social worker can give them emotional support too , strengthening any network of support that already exists from relatives , friends and neighbours , or trying to form one for them if they are in a position of isolation .
2 According to reports from the Romanian capital , the violence yesterday started when President Ceausescu sought to address a staged rally of support that rapidly turned into a huge protest .
3 She sat down opposite him at the kitchen table and fixed him with the kind of look that usually preceded a full eighteen-round contest .
4 There were natural concerns about ensuring a degree of parity of gradings and structures between and within Colleges , not least to avoid industrial relations disputes ; it was also necessary to take due account of the frameworks and levels of expertise that then existed and evolve a strategy for change , rather than take radical action .
5 Overall , most teachers of essay-writing would say that academic register involves clarity and modern usage , coupled with a degree of formality that nevertheless does not extend into pomposity or technical difficulty .
6 There followed a burst of building that radically changed the face of the city .
7 This adds a form of complexity that greatly enhances the significance of negotiations between civil servants , and the related tendency for the maintenance of the status quo .
8 ( For a description of the forms of inspection that currently exist see Day and Klein , 1990 . )
9 It is a law of physics that like attracts like , a principle which is also known in science as resonance .
10 He always spoke about his poetry as ‘ the work ’ ; it was this sort of dispassion that so excited the BBC .
11 The idea of literature that currently informs English teaching makes arbitrary associations and exclusions .
12 Drama is a piece of literature that only works when it 's given threedimensional form .
13 And of course that also meant she could n't possibly spare the time to do her usual singing spot in the club .
14 However , I use Guitarist Readers ' Ads myself , as do most of the staff here , so we know just how successful they can be ; of course that also means we can see where the service can be improved and we will endeavour to see that it does …
15 ‘ I believe of course that ideally chimps should live freely and safely in the wild , ’ she said .
16 Between £40 and £60 , plus of course that often forgotten cost in petrol to fetch it or choose it .
17 Shirley watched the programmes too , but was occasionally distracted by an intensity of experience that sometimes approached orgasm .
18 He continued as if she had n't spoken , his voice dropping to a level of intimacy that suddenly made it feel as though they were alone , not being listened to by thousands of people .
19 It goes without saying that in order to use a device for improvising ( such as scales , arpeggios , licks etc. ) one has to develop the particular device to such a level of fluency that physically playing it in any key or position has become almost instinctive , or second nature .
20 We , being their regular suppliers , do not have the option of action that neither helps nor hinders .
21 It is , in particulars the unnerving intellectuality of the life around him that Hölderlin attacks , the overvaluation of philosophizing and the promise of action that never comes , the substitution of books and words for deeds , the excessive introspection and lack of worldly competence ( the criticism has a special poignancy in that these are character traits he is intimately familiar with , which at times become part of his self-criticism ) When he speaks of Greece , it is not always clear whether he has in mind the fifth century or the timeless present in which Hyperion lives , but it is always Greece that provides the contrast .
22 The quota legislation is generally depicted as a disastrous blow to the British film industry , dragging down its reputation and perpetuating the sort of mediocrity that previously characterized the output of Stoll and Ideal Studios .
23 Gedge is often regarded as candid , but he has designed a style of lyric-writing that effectively camouflages his true self .
24 Bruner ( 1962 , p. 18 ) has used the term ‘ effective surprise ’ to describe the feeling of pleasure that often accompanies such realizations .
25 Often they turned out to be more like shocks , and she disliked the tension , the agitation , the feeling of disruption that frequently accompanied them .
26 By tethering the law to the notion of harm rather than peace and quiet , this definition places the law on a more stable footing in the world of facts , and reduces some of the areas of uncertainty that formerly surrounded it .
27 A MAN injured in a police shoot-out was last night in hospital with chest wounds while police pieced together the tangled events of a night of violence that also left one man dead and three policemen injured .
28 As in the United States , so in Britain it was an outbreak of violence that dramatically brought the plight of the inner cities to public notice .
29 The time ends with the coming of Chaos and the time of violence that then ensued .
30 The Department of the Environment has recently introduced the Duty of Care with a code of practice that clearly lays out the responsibility of businesses to manage their waste correctly .
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