Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [coord] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Now it seems thay 've had a change of heart and have decided that there 's room in the side for a specialist wicket keeper .
2 Democratic socialists have always rejected a narrow conception of freedom and have fought for the ‘ positive freedoms ’ of wide access to education , health care , housing and employment .
3 ‘ Though I have shown photographs throughout my exhibition organising career , I took it as a matter of course and have shown them as I have any other art form and along side any other art form whether it is painting or sculpture .
4 Someone must be doing their housekeeping rather better at those hospitals , especially when one thinks of the help the Memorial Hospital gets from the WRVS and the Friends of the Hospital who raise a good deal of money and have done so for many years .
5 The columns are of marble and have varied capitals of high standard — basket , Corinthian , Composite , and Romanesque types ( 184 and PLATES 28 and 29 ) .
6 Certain men and women have a propensity for this type of spirituality and have devised techniques and disciplines to create the sense of presence within themselves .
7 Second , a detailed sociolinguistic analysis of [ Ε ] raising and [ a ] backing — processes which have a common dialectal point of origin but have taken on very different social values in their new urban context — suggests that the vernacular speakers associated most strongly with the innovation are in each case those for whom the vowel functions least prominently as a network marker .
8 Traditionally sedimentologists have regarded grain size populations as approximating to this form of distribution and have based their methods of data plotting and statistical analysis on this assumed relationship .
9 You have been struck by some particular type of person and have found a plausible set of circumstances in which a person of that type would commit a murder .
10 Researchers in the adult literacy campaigns in England have devoted considerable attention to these features of writing and have pointed out the possible practical consequences of imprecise layouts and unconsidered presentation of text .
11 Conglomerate mergers have the smallest scope for obvious gains through economies of scale but have become increasingly common in recent years .
12 It is true that the increasing scale of certain enterprises in post war Britain can be traced to speculative financial considerations ( primarily among those which Channon identifies as ‘ acquisitive diversifiers ’ ) , and that many such enterprises have failed to exploit economies of scale and have shown a poor record even in terms of profitability .
13 The plain fact of Christian experience is that many people have held a strong theology of assurance but have known no assurance themselves .
14 Although some physical geographers such as Thomas ( 1980 p. v ) have argued that study of the energetics of the land surface ‘ has perhaps robbed the subject of some of its scope and depth ’ it can be argued that investigations of process energetics have provided some depth of understanding and have extended the scope towards recent temporal change ( p. 153 ) .
15 These trees are native of South Africa and in danger of extinction and have remained unchanged since prehistoric times .
16 Christians have stood firm against a flood of unbelief but have failed to notice its more subtle effects .
17 The two nations have history of hostility and have fought three wars since they both gained independence from Britain in 1947 .
18 People who fall into this habit often have a weak sense of identity and have felt very taken over as children , not allowed their own thoughts and feelings , nor to be themselves .
19 Many experiments have used this type of design and have shown differences in rates of protein synthesis between such ‘ learning ’ mice and their yoked controls , from which it is concluded that the learning rather than the shock produces the biochemical response .
20 What is clear however , is that when hearing appeals from the Secretary of State as to whether there has been a material change of use , the courts have consistently held that the question is one of fact and have declined to substitute any decision of their own for that of the Secretary of State .
21 The only people who are likely to experience extended periods of spontaneous regression are those who have been practising deep meditation over a prolonged period of time and have reached a high degree of competence in this field .
22 I should say that you should think , well those of us that are healthy any way , we should be glad that our body 's have stood us this length of time and have allowed us to come here to this programme and to take part in it , I 'm certainly delighted that mine 's a , gave me three children , nothing to complain about .
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