Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [coord] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Durrell took a slug of whisky and broke into an immediate ‘ I 'm not able to begin ‘ ta / praise the wondrous Araminta /I would like to say with flourish /what kind thoughts of her I nourish /A tangle though my thoughts get inta / describing love as Araminta ’ .
2 He probably shared Khruschev 's contempt for conservationists and the defenders of the national heritage , who stood in the way of progress and tried to suborn Communist officials from their duty to demolish the redundant vestiges of the old order .
3 This year all major vessels and columns were stripped of asbestos and reinsulated during the major shut-down in July and August .
4 It was n't new of course but made of a very good material .
5 It is a matter of construction of the contract and the surrounding circumstances as to whether the prohibition is intended merely to place the vendor in breach of contract and exposed to a claim for damages or whether the prohibition is intended to render the assignment ineffective and make it clear that the contract is personal .
6 Keegan will be reluctant to part with another , leading scorer Gavin Peacock , who is out of contract and wanted by Spurs , Coventry , Aston Villa and Middlesbrough .
7 They can be added to stir-fry vegetables at the end of cooking or served as an accompaniment .
8 Even if the desire is never satisfied in any but the fantasy way , the man who constantly has such desires is to be condemned , for he is gaining satisfaction from a person whom he has divested of personhood and turned into a slave .
9 This was a fundamental contribution to the phenomenon of absorption and led to changes in the composition of artificial manures .
10 Soon the woman felt a shiver of fear and fell on her knees and cried , ‘ Save me from my sin ! ’
11 The ring I 'd bought was placed on a plum-coloured cushion made of velvet and winked at us until it was time to put it on Gill 's finger .
12 Edward made himself a cup of tea and vanished to the Britches , where he stayed late into the dusk .
13 Bernard 's mother was not accustomed to such questions : she shook her head and took another fag and another cup of tea and longed to be off to stay with her eldest son .
14 I went over to the range to get the kettle and make a pot of tea and listened to their conversation .
15 Betty made him a cup of tea and sat among the cut lengths of gleaming copper and strong-toothed tools conducting a little chat , which afforded Lydia a moment 's amusement since Betty was adjusting her conversation to suit a person of low intelligence and the people of the valley were , on the whole , clever , devious and unusually literate .
16 He poured another cup of tea and sat in dejection in the kitchen .
17 And er I got involved on national registration and er , on one occasion , we were working , we 'd got a deadline and we were working through the weekend , and my wife came to pick me up at what she thought was a reasonable time , at one o'clock on Saturday , found she was given a cup of tea and set to work , and we finished , going home about midnight . .
18 Well again er I would say conditions were were terrible as far as I was concerned , er a as far as tea breaks and what have you were concerned , you did n't have any what we would call official tea breaks , you simply took your chances and made a cup of tea and hid behind a bulkhead or whatever to drink this , er if you got caught by the foreman or the manager or somebody , then you were more or less bagged on the spot .
19 Yorick himself had an attack of stage-fright and emerged from his dressing-room half an hour behind schedule .
20 After repeated checks on the viability of the disk surface with utility software I concluded that there were some marginal sectors , on the border of usability and passed by the system during formatting .
21 Matlock was convicted of murder and died in prison .
22 Moreover , the depreciation debate will be ‘ dusted off ’ after years of shelf-life and revisited in more depth as depreciation becomes the major cost .
23 Alix brought a chrome bowl out of an open cupboard , set it down ajangle with instruments of torture and turned on the generator for her machines .
24 McCabe , of Millbrook Avenue , Brambles Farm , Middlesbrough , admitted three offences of theft and asked for six offences to be taken into consideration .
25 The paper 's initial foray suffered from a certain paucity of research and culminated in an attack on the impeccably orthodox BBC disc-jockey David Jacobs whose prime status was wilting under the impact of the new pirate radio stations .
26 There was a swish of skis and a figure came hurtling past the hut , executed a brilliant turn in a flurry of snow and disappeared over the shoulder of the mountain .
27 He , and others like him , were answered by Rousseau , who argues that the social contract which established private property was really the origin of exploitation and had to be replaced by a new social contract .
28 Jane Pargeter poured herself another slug of gin and slopped in some tonic water , spilling some on the coffee table .
29 ‘ Way you go , Patty , ’ he said softly , and the dog was off , hurling herself along the embankment , all paws and flying ears , after a rabbit who had been sitting in a patch of sun but disappeared with contemptuous ease as she came close .
30 Two of these survived the arduous voyage round Cape Horn in the middle of winter and arrived to a grand reception in London .
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