Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [pers pn] be [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But it is n't because of some secret triumph of racism it 's because the claim he 's making has been emptied of meaning .
2 Well of course they are and bringing them over here must cost them five hundred quid .
3 Of course they were and they failed , and they failed to penetrate the defence
4 Well of course he is because he is obliged to do it .
5 Yes of course it is and er , that , that points er to the the danger of of a the disintegration of the Soviet Union , I , I .
6 So they wo n't do that , and of course it 's and the main thing that costs is the transport is every time you go on a bus you 're down to whatever it is two hundred pounds , and because of the two areas that we use , I mean we 're not gon na , I mean I do n't really know
7 Of course it was and of course she would !
8 No two coalfields were the same , but if a general pattern can be discerned from the variety of experience it is that during the first half of the nineteenth century each region largely generated its own workforce from the natural increase of its population , but that the spectacular later developments drew not only upon local men who left the farms or rural crafts and industries in large numbers but also upon the surplus population of counties from all over the British Isles .
9 before you rush off to the local retailer , cash in hand , take a little time to consider the type of runner you are and what you really need .
10 For you know I often wonder what sort of morality it is that keeps men from anything but superficial intercourse with any woman but their wives : yet I hate adultery & all the intermediate stages ; and what men of free habits in this way I have known , I have detested .
11 Will there be too many conflicts ? ( c ) Will plaintiff personal injury work preclude other types of work you are or wish to be engaged in , such as corporate and commercial business ?
12 ‘ Not so , ’ replies the university ; ‘ give if you will ; withhold if you must but understand if you can what nature of community we are and do not deprive us of our freedom , the freedom to pursue , and to teach others to pursue , knowledge for its own sake in whatever guise it presents itself to us ; for that is of our very essence. ,
13 I did n't see what kind of weapon it was that caused the injury . ’
14 That 's the kind of lad he is and he 's desperate to do well . ’
15 Preston , in the idle early hours when he was n't watching fifties horror movies , sometimes speculated on what kind of person he was and what he did for a living .
16 Use your diary to form a picture of the kind of person you are when it comes to food intake .
17 If I had been a marquis , I felt , I would still have been in bed or perhaps just parting the curtains and peering out to see what kind of day it was But Lord Hulton worked all the time , just about as hard as any of his men .
18 If Bloom is every kind of Dubliner it is because it falls to him to transact the unfinished business , to enact it and to get beyond it without dazzling gifts .
19 You can so aim your plot that the events you will have to describe reflect on whatever current preoccupation of society it is that has fired your imagination ; your theme .
20 I was celebrating the fact that the publishing world was keen to speak about what kind of book it was and his response was always to talk only about money .
21 Children here do n't lack any sort of ability it 's because th they English is n't their first language so they need support in learning English to help them with the everyday necessities of the national curriculum .
22 Nothing was as before because he was there and if I did not persevere with my patronising offers of involvement it was because my confusion was worsening , the patch on my spirit growing .
23 You should enquire what type of scheme it is that you would be joining and if it is a money purchase one , how in particular members ' entitlements are calculated .
24 ‘ As a matter of fact it was while I was crossing one of the canals on my way back here that I happened to catch sight of you and your friend .
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