Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] you [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I could have done with a bit of support from you once in a while .
2 okay right so best of luck to you anyway if you
3 If you qualify and wish to apply for a divorce : send for an application form using the tear-off part of this leaflet , but keep the remainder of the leaflet : it may be of help to you later
4 you , you , you 're relying on , but you did n't really sort of go back and say , I mean I , I would use a phrase like erm you know , regards to planning your future I 'm sure you found that of benefit to you tonight and get re and actually dig a bit deeper in that and say what was it in the , in , in that actual form that , that
5 ‘ And so , she repaid me by paying a great deal of attention to you tonight , signore .
6 ‘ Rainbow , sweetheart , there 's plenty of room for you back here , ’ she says .
7 The two things were entirely unconnected , but if it is of importance to you then you 'll be pleased to know that had there been a test you would have passed it with straight As . ’
8 When conditions are hot , horses can lose a lot of sweat without you even knowing because it evaporates so quickly .
9 I walk into the terminal thinking , Well , at least there is n't that smell of sewage around you sometimes get when you arrive in dear old Embra ; I 'm not sure I could handle that right now .
10 look up James , you 're okay , I 'm gon na put a bit of cream on you though let's put this tissue in the bin , right
11 Erm you 'll hav have plenty of opportunity of writing them down and erm you 'll be given a lot of extracts of music like you probably were in that book
12 We hope that this booklet will be of interest to you both during your tour of the School and for perusal later at home .
13 I know you are only a tiny little girl , but there is some kind of magic in you somewhere .
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