Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 — occurring medially ; glottalisation is normal after a stressed syllable : ‘ butcher ’ [ ] ‘ matches ’ [ ] ‘ watching ’ [ ] This makes the medial occurrence of look more similar to a medial two-consonant-phoneme cluster .
2 Rights of sanctuary once available to miscreants who reached a church altar no longer have any foundation in law but the colleges of Oxford retain a similar privilege .
3 Secondly , the reformed monasteries of the tenth century were of necessity largely aristocratic in composition , and had they been perceived to have no function in aristocratic society , they could not have been as successful as they were .
4 On the contrary , since the enterprise is an organization with a complex internal structure and of necessity relatively autonomous from political control , it is capable of developing its own internal interests and agenda ( cf. Levy 1987 ) .
5 Usually such classes only run once a year , which may leave someone who has come to the point of decision too late for that year 's class in limbo for several months .
6 We tend to conceive er generally of faith very much in personal terms , we see it as personal faith .
7 The internal hierarchies of the print system were of course broadly coherent with more general social hierarchies , or they could not have been so effective .
8 Many of the users are children and many of the routes utilise Woonerven , whose design is of course already satisfactory for carrying neighbourhood cycle traffic .
9 Gironella is of course also interested in the formal qualities of these works , but it is the subject matter , the content , which really holds his imagination .
10 Odometer readings are of course notoriously unreliable as a guide to the distance travelled by the car .
11 But this approach , which elevates individuals into subjects , is of course not available to Poulantzas .
12 Of course not all of the elderly of the future will be relatively affluent , and , to repeat , we need to be alert to inequalities among the elderly — between age cohorts and within them : the cohorts who will be bringing more occupational pensions and owner-occupied houses into old age will also bring in experience of early retirement and early run-down of resources due to unemployment .
13 This is of course not valid near the ends but if the solenoid is long enough , eqn ( 3.71 ) may be regarded valid for most of its length .
14 Given what is said of the need for an ordinary background , the condition-set is of course not sufficient for an effect in an ordinary sense , where a sufficient condition is precisely one that necessitates the effect .
15 The dump was of course strictly off-limits for all except armaments personnel , and I ca n't say it was very exciting when we got there .
16 This is of course directly contrary to the past experience of most British ‘ curriculum managers ’ , certainly at secondary level .
17 Street kids — and their elders , the Liverpool ‘ bucks ’ — were of course inevitably guilty of whatever charge the patrolling constable thought appropriate .
18 In general , on small-scale maps it is of course quite pointless to be too precise .
19 This is the reason for the ungrammaticality of : ( 40 ) the only book missing readable is Twyford 's Lives of the Slovak Saints By contrast , the examples of ( 41 ) are fully acceptable : ( 41 ) the only readable book missing is the one I told you about the only missing book readable is the one already mentioned The same contrast is seen in ( 42 ) beside the two cases of ( 43 ) which are both grammatically acceptable ( although not of course quite identical in meaning ) : ( 42 ) *one journalist striking accessible is Jana Flynn ( 43 ) one striking journalist accessible is Jana Flynn one accessible journalist striking is Jana Flynn The restriction is general , applying even if the particular adjectives concerned are ones which can normally appear postnominally .
20 Your choice of iconography is of course highly significant in this context . ’
21 This is of course very easy since what the spreadsheet has stored in cells C and D is a time serial number .
22 We should come one day at dusk and the bunny hoppers will be out , or of course very early in the morning .
23 . And er in fantasy land erm if you 're responsible for I T you 're of course very secure in your job you 're a very happy employee because vendors will always come along and solve all your problems and ensure your personal security and success .
24 It is of course very difficult for the eye to register detail when it is not trained to look for it ; it is only when true students of the Gothic , like the elder Pugin , begin to distinguish the styles of different periods , that the buildings of the past really come into focus in the novel .
25 It is of course very difficult for us to reconcile ourselves to such a perspective .
26 Holding the industry constant in this way is of course only possible in broad terms .
27 This is a source that is of course only available for the twentieth century .
28 Such drastic tactics are of course only justifiable against a violent attack .
29 The more compressed style is of course more likely in the carefully constructed world of literary expression , but it lacks the dynamic punch of the conversational sequence .
30 Later she went to stay with her uncle and aunt at Bonsam Hall , which was of course too grand for us to visit .
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