Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] [det] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It 's little bits of progress like that which make riding young horses so much fun .
2 ‘ All the polling organisations , like our own private polling , demonstrate a very great firmness of support in those who say thus far that they are going to be voting Labour , and softness in Conservative support . ’
3 The campaign never took place , however , and Edward did not try to revive this method of payment for those who served in the army which was defeated at Bannockburn .
4 Erasmus Darwin , grandfather of Charles , describes dodders in verse as ‘ harlot-nymphs ’ which crush their prey in their coils much as the mythological serpents crushed Laocoon and his sons , while Indian myths grant unlimited wealth and the power of invisibility to those who find the roots of dodder .
5 Quite apart from the development of new police tactics and the emergence of new common-law public order powers , the open-ended and vague nature of the traditional law has continued the erratic erosion of freedom for those whose views , attitudes , or behaviour is out of the mainstream .
6 But that well-established study should be joined with another , equally important one : the impact of racism on those who perpetuate it .
7 Scruton offers us an articulate perspective on the attractions of conservatism for those who , fearing social change and the future , try to hold firmly onto the past .
8 The council argued that a landlord , particularly one such as a local authority , can not realistically be expected to have a system of inspection of all its premises and in practice is entitled to depend upon notification by its tenants .
9 A further example is the transfer of responsibility for those who need financial support .
10 Too often , we are limited in thinking of ministry as those who either do or do not work where are thought of .
11 Finally , with Nick Cave 's misogynist agonies , the Jesus and Mary Chain 's candyskin classicism , and The Smiths ' eternally unrequited gaze , came the return of romanticism in all its purity and privacy .
12 The escalating costs associated with handling this raw material and the uncertain consequences of future government asbestos regulation … have necessitated our decision to work towards the elimination of asbestos from all our friction products and this eventuality has become an essential part of our long-term production and manufacturing plans .
13 What other things might you want to be thinking about , in terms of preparation for this one .
14 Many people find it hard to counter the argument of ‘ people before buildings ’ that the Church puts forward , even though for most of us the visible presence of a church — whether still in religious use or not — is an important and reassuring symbol of faith to all who pass by .
15 And er w Of course with that one , I owned the ground .
16 whether we needed to go back for anything to go in the fridge or freezer If I got this page sort of full by the end of the week , people there were picking out their , they were getting tea bags and coffee and biscuits , you know for two pages full , I 've got one page full and of course with that I could get erm , packet of the Ferrera Roche
17 There 's your four That 's your quadrilaterals , except of course for this one .
18 ( I speak of course of those who are not members of the British aristocracy .
19 Whilst the law is designed to give succour in times of difficulty to those who do their best , it will show little mercy to those who are at the receiving end of proceedings who can not demonstrate that they have given the highest priority .
20 22 per cent of the overall decline in mortality from 1848 to 1971 have been attributed to the decline of TB in all its forms ( McKeown 1976 ) , and 45 per cent to 1900 .
21 The purchaser will be negotiating the heads from a position of weakness in that it will know far more about the vendor 's business once the due diligence has been completed .
22 ‘ The youngsters who visited your trailer were full of enthusiasm for all they had seen and done .
23 I thank you Chair , I mean , clearly I have to ask for a little bit of license on this one , in that I have to comment on things outside of my own district , erm but you will not be surprised to hear , given my evidence earlier that the City Council 's view is quite clearly that there is sufficient land with , on the edge of York , the main urban area , which could accommodate this type of level of development and obviate the need for a new settlement in the structure plan period , I accept , however , of course that that is dependant upon the definition of the inner boundary of the greenbelt , if the City Council 's view on that is er acceptable then Inspector , I believe there will be sufficient sites to obviate the the need for a new settlement , clearly if the Inspector takes a tighter view on the greenbelt , then there will be little land opportunity within the main urban area for this .
24 ‘ It does n't worry me morally but I have a lot of sympathy with those who do n't think it is very attractive .
25 Since we the taxpayers are having to pay for the programme , can the Minister at least listen to the taxpayers on this and spend these huge sums of money on all our children and not just a few ?
26 ‘ The Commission itself has placed a great emphasis on the promotion of milk and it is ironic that it is now undermining that investment with a proposal which could result in further reductions in the intake of milk by those who need it most ’ .
27 Is it fair to pupils in allowing equality of opportunity to all who might benefit from what is offered ?
28 Not no we 're out of stock on that one , we 're out of stock on that one .
29 Not no we 're out of stock on that one , we 're out of stock on that one .
30 And , as in Bentham 's circular buildings , managerial security is advanced at the expense of liberty , of the freedom of action of those whom managerial staff seek to supervise .
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