Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] a long " in BNC.

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1 Retiro Station offered Paul Theroux a comfortable sense of home-coming after a long rail journey through the continent .
2 Equally , it is not unknown for a partner gradually to lose interest in mundane administrative matters : often enough the problems that this can cause are exacerbated by his co-partners allowing him to escape his share of responsibility over a long period .
3 Yet climbers appear willing to put an inordinate amount of faith in a long line of brass nuts and then show surprise when they pull like a hot knife through butter .
4 Many couples continue to enjoy sexual intercourse once or twice a week into old age , but some people have neither the inclination or ability for this , and of course in a long relationship we do adjust to our partner 's needs .
5 The landlord requires security of income for a long period , and this is specially desirable where the landlord is an investing institution which pays out pensions or insurance policies , because a period of twenty-five years ' secure income facilitates the actuarial calculations necessary in order to determine the level of payments which the landlord can make .
6 Although out of action for a long time , an internal iron water wheel survives .
7 But after being knocked out in the first round of the English Derby the dog injured a hind muscle and was out of action for a long time .
8 It may also be possible to argue that where the party has failed to respond to a notice of assignment from the purchaser , such lack of action over a long period is an implied consent where that party has dealt with the purchaser after completion .
9 I 've been in this frame of mind for a long time , but no one seems to notice . ’
10 Ryan 's proposal for a program for automatic story generation which fulfils her three criteria of creativity , aesthetic awareness and understanding will probably remain beyond the boundaries of feasibility for a long time , but it does demonstrate both the need for a greater contribution of ideas from poetics and narratology to developments in artificial intelligence , and the insights that can be gained from the attempt to shape one 's ideas about narrative into a form that can be learnt and applied by computers .
11 If you have not kept up with the nursing journals or have been out of practice for a long time then you will have to trust to luck or the recommendations of others as to the relevance and value of any course you choose to attend .
12 I suspect that there 'll there 'd been a certain amount of alienation for a long time things that the men had to accept because the people with the money and therefore the power said that they had to you know a I think quarry men are very proud on one level great sort of craftsmen in a way and erm I 'm sure that you know th the last couple of years well I 've heard them say really tha that there 'd been things niggling them with the management but I suppose this was just like a blatant smack in the face and they realize that if they accepted this if they let the management walk all over them this was the thin end of the wedge you know that .
13 The father , Mr P , also an English incomer to Orkney , had carried out various forms of abuse over a long period of time .
14 The first step in achieving this objective is to guarantee a place on Employment Training ( ET ) for everyone who has been out of work for a long period of time .
15 I 've gone down hill since then , but she said you know these folks are hard when you 've been out of work for a long while , you 've got ta just get back up and fight again , I said , she said and I know how hard that is , but she said you know , if you can get it going and fit and get in , so
16 The slope eased , and I came over what had seemed from below like a ridge , but in fact was merely the folding of ice from a long saddle that ran like a narrow valley between west and east summits .
17 Now there are two-carriage abominations called ‘ Sprinters ’ that are so basic and degrading a form of transport for a long journey that adequate toilet facilities are considered an unnecessary luxury .
18 Lord Joseph has been interested in the causes of poverty for a long time : as a young man he joined the Howard League for Penal Reform as well as a Quaker group which busied itself about improving the social conditions of the poor .
19 If I 'd been a religious and I would have thanked one god or another for the large number of kilocreds I was soon to collect , which would keep me from any kind of poverty for a long time .
20 For example , there may be evidence for a sequence of buildings being constructed and going out of use over a long period of time .
21 The shop certainly had not received a coat of paint in a long time and , though looking decrepit , in earlier years the well proportioned double-fronted premises must have been quite smart .
22 But he was a feckless young man and likely to be kept in a state of frustration for a long time to come .
23 Two years of stability after a long period of severe hyperinflation have meant that Argentine publishing has begun to show some solidly healthy results .
24 Gas supply agreements often provide for the supply of gas over a long period , sometimes for a decade or more .
25 A separate area is being given to modern day Stoddard , this time representing a thriving Company of significance with a long established history .
26 Any parent who has had an insomniac or hyperactive child will know the situation in which interruption of sleep over a long period frays tempers and seeks some other scapegoat than the child ; husband and wife may end in screaming at each other across the bedroom .
27 Crack of dawn after a long night … made himself coffee and got back to the station as the car was disappearing from view .
28 It was worthy of the great adventurers and explorers who had set out from its quays , and at that magic time of arrival after a long sea voyage , with the mist-filtered rays of the sun touching the cathedral domes and castle towers , the old city of Ulysses fulfilled and exceeded all her expectations .
29 Okay er , according to Darwin , and here I quote , in infants long before birth , says Darwin , the skins on the soles of the feet is thicker than on any other part of the body , and it can hardly be doubted that this is due to the inherited effects of pressure during a long series of generations .
30 Out of form over a long period , Lyle did not feel that he would be able to stand the pressure .
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