Example sentences of "of [noun sg] against [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This state of affairs is an example of discrimination against the needs of older people ; it not only causes great suffering but unnecessary economic costs .
2 The pitched battles fought each Saturday afternoon in the Kings Road between punks and teddy-boys — the curators of Fifties sartorial and musical style — seemed a tragi-comic parody of the forces of conservatism against the forces of chaos and impending change .
3 Far from being an instrument of struggle against the prerogatives of private capital , and the multinationals in particular , the contract was to provide a means of national reconciliation .
4 There is no evidence that the judges at any time protested to Her Majesty 's government in or out of Parliament against the proposals to involve them directly and indirectly in the administration of the act of 1971 .
5 On the preliminary issue the judge dismissed the application holding that a local authority could sue for libel in respect of its governing or administrative reputation even though no financial loss was pleaded or alleged , that where a local authority instituted proceedings in reliance on section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 it was for the local authority to decide on the expediency of litigating and it was not the court 's function to do so on an application to strike out , and that since the words complained of reflected on the local authority itself in the management and rectitude of its financial affairs , the statement of claim did disclose a cause of action against the defendants .
6 Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson described this submission as ‘ plainly ill founded ’ and said that it was ‘ no answer to the S.I.B . 's claim against the solicitors that an individual investor would have no right of action against the solicitors . ’
7 Every repetition of a libel gives a fresh cause of action against the persons responsible for the repetition .
8 For the Gentiles to receive the word of God , at this point in history , was a truly extraordinary thing to happen in the eyes of those who had been used to years of prejudice against the Gentiles .
9 It took some getting used to the idea that Gentiles were fellow-heirs in God 's kingdom , brothers and sisters in the same family , for there was a great deal of prejudice against the Gentiles .
10 There is nothing in the judgment or in the report of counsel 's argument to suggest that the possibility of rectification against the chargees , in the absence of a successful plea of forgery or non est factum , was ever considered .
11 The presence of coconut estates also forced cultivators to look after their cattle more closely because plantation managers were inclined to shoot cattle or bring charges of trespass against the owners of animals found on their land .
12 It is also a place of accusation against the Arabs of Palestine .
13 The child may retain his stools partly for the erotic pleasure of later letting go , but also as an act of defiance against the parents .
14 Or perhaps it is that life is simply not fair , and that skill and cunning are what we should be using to navigate its choppy waters , rather than making open displays of bravado against the odds .
15 Too simple a judgment perhaps : it might better be said that , manifested as the Consumers ' Movement , Co-operation had become an alternative presentation of the rights of ownership against the rights of labour , while trade unionism existed to assert the rights of labour against those of ownership .
16 The howling wind kept firing salvos of rain against the windows , but after a while she stirred reluctantly .
17 As the automatic needle in my music centre clicked I heard the wind outside and the steady pattering of rain against the window-panes .
18 It was Karl Franz who led the charge of the Reiksguard at the battle of Norduin against the Bretonnians , where the Emperor 's personal valour finally broke the resistance of the Bretonnian flank guard and drove them from the narrow defile which they had defiantly held throughout the battle .
19 The particular sequence of moral development revealed by Gilligan 's research is described by her in this way : first , as in Kohlberg 's findings , a stage of focus on the self ; then , a second level of development in which the notion of responsibility is used to balance the claims of self against the claims of other people ; this stage brings a notion of the good as caring for others ; it involves a protective care for the dependent and unequal .
20 ( c ) Examination of deeds and requisitions A reminder , in appropriate cases , to examine and mark your abstract of title against the deeds in the case of an unregistered title .
21 Flipping on to her back , she stared at the dark ceiling , listening to the faint night-time sounds from the creek , the far-off slap of water against the bows of the fishing-boats moored below .
22 The US Congress has never uttered a word of criticism against the Israelis .
23 It would be possible to mount two sorts of argument against the Protocols style of conspiracy theory from within the conspiracy tradition itself .
24 Another cousin , Ali Hassan al-Majid , who had ordered the use of gas against the Kurds in the 1980s , was made Interior Minister .
25 If there is any kind of swing against the Tories , the prospects for Mr Devlin look bleak .
26 He unleashed much else , a sadistic wave of fury against the non-Christians which started with massacres of Jews in Germany and ended with massacres of Muslims in the Holy City itself .
27 has outlined the complex legalities involved in trying to stop emp employers imposing changes to contracts of employment against the wishes of the employee .
28 Each state still retained a large measure of protectionism against the others , and complete free trade still remained as far away as ever .
29 He became Robert of Jerusalem to his contemporaries ; his deeds were recorded in the Song of Antioch ; his pious bravery totally expunged the memory of Robert the Frisian 's usurpation ; and after his death his son Baldwin VII harped on his father 's achievement to justify his substantial use of coercion against the enemies of the church .
30 This caused considerable apprehension , for the Queen of England had been excommunicated by the Holy Father only three years before , and her privateers were taking revenge on her behalf by acts of piracy against the friends of Rome .
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