Example sentences of "of [noun sg] and [noun sg] into " in BNC.

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1 She hoped it would n't be longer ; she hoped it would be less , for as dear as Aunt Nessy was , she always brought a feeling of change and unrest into this quiet and well-ordered household .
2 The bursting upon the scene of an organized working class carrying out industrial action on a substantial level , or not just working-class suffrage but , for the first time , mass political parties , and especially working-class parties must have been at least partly experienced as an eruption of contingency and chaos into a world of order .
3 We now show how to manufacture very interesting " number " systems by introducing a kind of addition and multiplication into Zn .
4 These qualities have always been present in the metaphors and similes of poetry but they have been less frequent in painting , which in the past was largely concerned with reproducing external reality , with decoration , or , as in the more advanced movements of recent years , with the composition of color and line into formal design .
5 It may be a poor substitute for human companionship , but the fact that it is a living creature who needs her and responds to her affectionate care brings a great deal of pleasure and interest into her life .
6 The general effect of change on relatively stable and proven software configurations is to introduce a measure of uncertainty and risk into a previously well understood situation .
7 The Centre for Software Maintenance Ltd undertake a wide range of research and development into all aspects of software maintenance , including procurement strategies to develop inherently more maintainable software , reverse engineering , inverse engineering , testing , management and quality .
8 Integration of research and engineering into businesses ; corporate funding ceases
9 The progress of research and study into childhood cancers , particularly leukaemia , has been remarkable , with some extremely encouraging statistics .
10 In the summer of 1883 , from the Sunda Straits between Java and Sumatra , the volcano of Krakatoa suddenly blew eleven cubic miles of ash and rock into the stratosphere , sending a shockwave seven times around the globe .
11 That eruption throws tonnes of ash and soot into the atmosphere which causes a dust shield , blotting out the rays of the sun .
12 Of particular offence to many Protestants was the widespread popular belief in the power of the Catholic priesthood to intercede with God , to exorcise the devil at baptism , and to transform the elements of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ during the mass .
13 If they afforded unique opportunities , especially in the international realm , they also posed the ultimate challenge for him : to elevate the banality of peace and prosperity into something epic .
14 It did not worry about women 's invisibility precisely because it accepted prevailing views that politics should be left to men , that the proper forum for female participation is inevitably the family and that the main function of the politically competent woman is to socialise the children and to filter the needs of home and family into the political system .
15 When the atomic bomb developed at Los Alamos , New Mexico , was dropped on two Japanese cities in August 1945 , the Apocalypse of St John moved out of the realm of mythology and prophecy into scientific reality .
16 The large basic masses of north-east Scotland have shed large amounts of magnetite and ilmenite into the North Sea .
17 It 's important to bring back a sense of community and life into the countryside .
18 Sift the flour , baking powder , bicarbonate of soda and salt into a large bowl .
19 Arnoldian values , paternalist but progressive , had been transformed by the twin forces of capitalism and imperialism into an openly conservative code .
20 To watch him was to watch not a man but a directing force ; was to witness the channelling of aggression and determination into its most elegant and expressive form .
21 Everything has turned to gold and the inevitable consequence has been to turn individual acts of generosity and compassion into transactions with monetary consequences .
22 The process of selection and socialization into a media organization is well documented .
23 Keith turns as he kicks , putting the full force of boot and leg into the ball , following through flawlessly .
24 In general , the merger of monotechnic colleges of art and colleges of education with polytechnics and colleges of higher education has , in the words of NATFHE , ‘ brought the education of art and design into a multi-disciplinary and multi-professional educational environment ’ .
25 It exploded as he hit the water , sending a geyser of water and blood into the air .
26 He is free to sample the delights of the city but is forbidden to pass through the third gate of ruby and gold into the Inner Seas .
27 However due to the continual loss of iron and protein into the gastrointestinal tract and increasing inappetence , the marrow eventually becomes exhausted and the haematorcrit falls still further before death occurs .
28 He , too , had a passion for ballet and was to transport his fascination with its highly formalised use of stance and gesture into his art .
29 He thrust a mess tin full of steak and kidney into my hand , and with a scowl on his face he remarked , ‘ After this lot , Piper , we are back to the usual shit , unless something special turns up , like cooks and normal rations ! ’
30 So far the Project has had some successes as well as failures , but it is a promising development and extends the scope of co-operation and coordination into the crucial library/faculty cooperation area .
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