Example sentences of "of [noun sg] do [not/n't] come " in BNC.

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1 Sheer orders of magnitude matter , and the orders of magnitude do not come down on the side of the real-balance effect .
2 The idea of improving the quality of education did not come into any of the replies .
3 Evidence that recognition of an event can survive a change of context when other forms of learning do not comes from a variety of studies of human memory .
4 The theme of instrumentality does not come through so strongly in relation to personal care as it does in other types of support .
5 Instead , whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant , and whoever wants to be first must be your slave — just as the Son of Man did not come to be served , but to serve , and to give his life as a ransom for many ’ ' ( Matthew 20:25–28 ) .
6 The bolt of lightning did not come until a week later .
7 Now yes this is very very welcome indeed , but I do see it Mr Chairman in the experience of the past and that really with the hard work that you both have put in as a piece of paper it is now in the computer as far as I can see and I think there is a term now within agriculture and I will give you an example of this and I think it now , it may apply I think to our road system particular particularly in the north , north Suffolk , yeah I think the term is set-aside , and I hope that some time central government will acknowledge that within this eastern region certainly the Lowestoft area and Waking area we have very great problems , because these pieces of jigsaw do not come into the full picture , they 're put in place now and then and later and in apparent it is giving us a very great problem certainly within the last
8 The game of persuasion did not come easily to the interrogator .
9 I mean all this sort of thing did not come cheaply .
10 But rather to her surprise , the expected wave of self-pity did n't come .
11 Falcon 3 from Spectrum Holobyte is still the best around for serious sim pilots , Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe from Lucasfilms , and Aces of the Pacific from Dynamix show how good ‘ historic ’ flight sims can be — against this formidable opposition Birds of Prey does not come up to scratch and in open combat would soon become the hunted , rather than the hunter …
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