Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 Should you not wish to keep any of the papers that you 've got there you can put them very carefully in the box .
2 Look to your left and climb to the top of the tree that you see
3 Greet the wise one , and talk to them of the fears that you wish to overcome .
4 Look in the churchyard at the south east corner of the church and you will find a poignant tombstone , grave of Cook 's mother , brothers and sisters .
5 A good rule is to look at the shape and size of the flower before you press it , and then imagine what it will look like once it is flat .
6 Erm the next erm feature is the yellow one for the Liberal Democrats , there 's one Liberal Democrat typographical error and that 's on the second page page four of the resolutions and you 'll see that in the second column there 's a total three , three , three five , that should be amended to , sorry three , three , three five that should be amended to three , one , five , five and then where it says nine the resource budget immediately below that nine , four , five , ninety four five O , it 's three hundred and sixty thousand , three hundred and sixty million , six hundred thousand , that stays the same .
7 ‘ I 'll help you move poor old Eddy 's junk out of the desk if you like , so you can move your own stuff in . ’
8 And if there are elements of the operation that you 're not happy with er if , if there are n't any catering regulations in the underlease well you can introduce some .
9 Many of the problems that you refer to in such a light-hearted manner are the result of this situation , which Colombia has been fighting , with a certain success .
10 Only the the congratulations are implicit it seems to me in what you have said to the Labour Group for finding a way out of the problems that you had created .
11 I think I 'm right in saying that this week the government announced that an extra one point six million pounds was being made available for yourselves and the English Tourist Board to , in an sense , overcome some of the projects , some of the problems that you 've been facing .
12 You must start paying five pounds a week by next Tuesday the court usher will give you the address of the court but you must make you send that money every week .
13 get to councillor it is it is the procedures of the council that you are perfectly entitled to go to the committee itself and place this on the agenda for the committee .
14 Remarkable that out of thirty people elected last May , fifteen of them are new to this Council , a staggering seventeen percent of the Council if you do it statistically .
15 And also I think , which is very strong and I think it does come out in , in the Chinese Communist Party , is the lust of power which can be even more dangerous when you convince yourself I 'll do all you lot good but I can make you all members of the Communist Party , whether you want to be or not does n't really matter , you know , it 's gon na be for the good of the country so you fall in with this trap of assuming that you want is for their good so it 's sort of a , a dangerous thing .
16 But suddenly , like catching a whiff of the sea when you 're still miles up the river , I had a feeling there was more to life than this .
17 It is important , however , that you understand some aspects of the rules if you are to make sense of the electronic spectra of inorganic species .
18 Were you to bring a tenth of the consideration that you show them and your parishioners to needs that lie closer to home you would find a more contented wife at your side .
19 You have blue bits and you have yellow bits and it 's going to be much easier for you to put them together one on top of the other so you have a blue and yellow syllabus .
20 There are units in some parts of the UK where you and your child can be cared for together when one or both of you are unwell .
21 Ever been told , ‘ I will give you the name and address of the manufacturer and you can contact them ’ ? when that long-awaited item finally arrives , and does n't work ?
22 We which I would hope when will itemise the qualities and strengths of the child that you want to cover , like when we do personal statements or joint statements in the tenth and eleventh year that if the form teacher just ca n't write well Fred 's worked very well , he 's done extremely well in English we 'll actually start to talk about him as an individual and his strengths and weaknesses .
23 Yet another , fortunately quite rare , follows you around when it sees secateurs in your hands and drops a few eggs into the soft pith of the stem when you make a cut , before the cut wound has had time to callus and heal itself — another reason why you should always try to confine cutting to a fine dry day .
24 Having said that , I 've been on some of the deliveries that you guys have to do , and some of the places where you have to go into , and er I fully appreciate it 's not easy .
25 We asked you to tell us why your dad was Top of the Pops and you kept those letters pouring in .
26 We asked you to tell us why your dad was Top of the Pops and you kept those letters pouring in .
27 This will avoid your deleting it accidentally , or in the apparent disappearance of the cursor as you type .
28 Even his charge of boring repetition is difficult to substantiate objectively : boredom is in the mind of the beholder and you doubtless could find many people who have enjoyed A la Recherche du Temps Perdu , a work not altogether renowned for its brevity or conciseness .
29 Your weight should suddenly move back as you reach the tip of the wave and you should pull the boom back over your head .
30 The bottom turn should be sharp enough to bring you back up to the top of the wave whereupon you perform what is known as a ‘ cut-back ’ in which you use all your weight on the windward rail to violently turn the board back down the slope of the wave .
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