Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The kettle-out-of-tin-can-makers of Accra , the barefoot engineers of Bombay , and the hawkers of everything-under-the sun of Jakarta were showing flexibility and perhaps even salvation for the Third World poor .
2 In my view the effect of the Effer v. Kantner decision is that a court other than a court of the defendant 's country of domicile can not accept the jurisdiction on the mere assertion or pleading of the plaintiff .
3 Once jurisdiction can properly be established on this basis then the effect of article 5(1) in the light of the Effer v. Kantner decision is that the court has jurisdiction finally to determine the issues between the parties .
4 The support of the lexeme of apple can therefore be discovered simply by confronting our experience with the notion itself .
5 circular DNA molecules able to replicate independently of the chromosome in microorganisms .
6 And Sarrance is the setting in which her group of competing story-tellers gather , after they have been driven out of the spa of Cauterets , up in the mountains , by bad weather .
7 THE conversion of the Bury to Manchester line to Metrolink operations has meant that it is no longer available for conventional locomotives and trains .
8 But because of the evidence neither can we explain it away : there is the beginning of the rationality of faith .
9 The notion of ‘ rational choice ’ introduces us to another , more sophisticated conception of the rationality of racism , and one which does not require this kind of double standard .
10 Lakatos explicitly stated that the ‘ central problem in philosophy of science is … the problem of stating universal conditions under which a theory is scientific ’ , a problem which is ‘ closely linked with the problem of the rationality of science ’ and whose solution ‘ ought to give us guidance as to when the acceptance of a scientific theory is rational or not ’ .
11 But given the lengthiness of the dispute , the demands of other policework , and the regularity of ‘ trouble ’ , the ‘ permanent ’ mobile reserve , the SPG , became a routine feature of the policing of Grunwick , and especially the confrontational aspects .
12 If you do like catfish and have not done so already then I recommend that you join the Catfish Association of Great Britain , and share this area of the hobby with others who do .
13 But there is a symbolic importance of the prominence of Mr. Flynn in Fianna Fáil .
14 There is no space to tell you of the depth of fellowship I am experiencing , of the great joy I have in teaching such folk , of all I am learning from these believers who have suffered so much , of the hardening opposition by the Orthodox Church , of the great work being done by the Baptists among Bulgarian orphans and of the plans for an orphanage , school and seminary .
15 The results — 66 per cent for the PLO , 33 per cent for Hamas and 1 per cent for Islamic Jihad — were regarded as an important signal of the depth of support for the PLO mainstream and its policy of negotiation with Israel .
16 The announcement came amid new indications of the depth of Latvia 's economic crisis .
17 For example , think of the depth of difference between Britain and Iran .
18 Only too conscious of the depth of passion simmering in him , and conscious too of her crumbling resistance and his vow that nothing would happen that she did n't initiate , she took a deep , shaky breath and got into the car , shutting the door firmly behind her .
19 It 's almost a confession — though that is perhaps not the right word — of the depth of feeling .
20 The trial of Sir Terence and the charges against Sir Joh were indicative of the depth of corruption associated with the National Party 's 30 years in office in Queensland which had ended with the party 's electoral defeat in 1989 .
21 Moreover we see both bomber forces gaining weight and flexing muscle ; Harris with his 100 bomber squadrons in sight ( but still painfully short of the Chief of Air Staff 's promised 3,500 aircraft ) , and the General commanding the Eighth Air Force in no better state , having to fight and fight hard to arrest the diversion of his build-up in aircraft to other theatres .
22 That is now the task of the Chief of Defence Staff and his Central Staff , who are responsible for formulating national military strategy , and for expressing it to the government of the day and within the Whitehall market-place .
23 The appointment on Feb. 26 of Col. Faustino Rico Toro as the new head of the Special Force for the Fight against Drug Trafficking ( FELCN ) sparked off a controversy within the country , which resulted in the eventual resignation of the Chief of Police and the Interior Minister .
24 The names and addresses of senior judges in the Irish Republic , together with a document which purports to come from the office of the Chief of Staff of the Irish Army , surfaced yesterday as the latest in the series of security leaks , writes David McKittrick .
25 Sections of the elite Presidential Guard led the army intervention , with the backing of the Chief of Staff , Gen. Jean-Marie Michel Mokoko , a close ally of President Sassou-Nguesso .
26 In a darkened hive the angle of orientation of the central segment of the dance with respect to the vertical is strongly correlated with the angle between the food source and the sun 's position .
27 It is the angle of this part of the dance with respect to the vertical that tells the other bees the direction to the food .
28 The angle of the waggled part of the dance with respect to vertical symbolizes the angle between the food source and the sun .
29 There are three N.F.P.A. Codes which specify the protection of the storage of goods in the United States of America .
30 Because of the limits on income support payments there is increasing evidence of a shortfall between benefit levels and home fees , with resulting pressure on individual residents and their families to make up the deficit .
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