Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun pl] that [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The use of large datasets and sophisticated econometric techniques is impressive but invariably proceeds only in the face of technical difficulties that weaken confidence in the results .
2 In the past the industry has frequently appeared bogged down by the use of a range of technical terms that mean little to potential customers .
3 In the past the industry has frequently appeared bogged down by the use of a range of technical terms that mean little to potential customers
4 Incompatibility increases the frequency of associated bacteria by indirectly decreasing the frequency of cytoplasmic lineages that do not carry the same bacterial strain , 24 .
5 The removal of persistent residues that give rise to foaming or smells could be an expensive process because they may be from materials that have not been amenable to treatment .
6 The last twenty years has seen the development of a number of semi-quantitative techniques that purport to measure these qualities , but however helpful they may be , most people agree that the subjective element of landscape appreciation is , and will remain , of fundamental importance .
7 Doctors ' desires to advance specialisms that they find intellectually exciting , university lecturers pursuing research at the expense of their teaching commitments , engineers wishing to develop technologically advanced products such as Concorde , are just a few examples of the kind of professional aspirations that lead to the misallocation of resources from the clients ' or taxpayers ' point of view .
8 Those local authorities contain the number of Labour members that serve on them due to the choice of the electorate .
9 We shall start with a description of the banking system , and then proceed to consider the types of monetary policies that have been used in recent years , and their effects .
10 The Department of the Environment has a system of regional offices that handle many aspects of relationships with the local authorities .
11 Give examples of economic problems that have both microeconomic and macroeconomic dimensions .
12 Together , these two concepts of ‘ closure ’ and ‘ reproduction ’ demand that we integrate our understanding of economic processes that allocate people to certain positions in a hierarchy with an understanding that such positions also depend on people 's perception of class , their sense of class culture , the culturally perceived ‘ pecking order ’ — the higher reaches of which are humorously caught by Les Dawson 's commentary that heads this chapter .
13 This association of the humanity of Christ with the purifying goals of the practical chemist underlines the artificiality of retrospective analyses that seek to place magic , science , and religion into separate compartments .
14 Rick Bateysifts through the veritable medley of classic influences that make up the latest sepia-tinted offering from Chandler in San Francisco …
15 Italy and France have been cited as examples of political cultures that generate alienation and a large measure of apathy .
16 Just on the hill-side above the starting-point is a little cottage — one of the large family of rural homes that adorn the Highland hills .
17 The Transport and Works Bill will be a major step forward in the reform of antiquated , obscure private Bill procedures and should reduce by about half the number of private Bills that come before the House , while improving procedures in the area that deal with them .
18 The economic and competitive imperatives that shape the world system are born of two fundamental shifts that have in turn spawned a raft of consequential changes that affect deep-seated attitudes and behaviour .
19 Speculation that supporters of Prince Charles are hitting back by leaking hurtful items to the media has increased with the number of anti-Diana stories that have proved false .
20 Compagnie des Machines Bull SA and IBM Corp came together in Paris last week to put the finishing touches to their collaborations , announcing successful conclusion of specific contracts that comprise the far-reaching open-systems technology and associated manufacturing alliance announced on January 28 .
21 There are a number of textual features that tend to be ignored by generative parsing systems .
22 A jetpack that allows our hero to fly , and a pair of bionic legs that give Steg the power to leap tall buildings with a single bound and super-slug speed-ups are scattered around .
23 What are the characteristics of stressed syllables that enable us to identify them ?
24 Most have a core of solid businesses that ensure that at least parts of the firm are making serious money .
25 Many men ( but few women ) deny the existence of subtle impediments that make it particularly difficult for women , blacks , Hispanics and even those talented Asians to make it to the top .
26 For the Stoke-on-Trent area twelve high-quality coloured thematic maps display solid and drift geology , as well as the full range of geoenvironmental constraints that affect urban planning and redevelopment .
27 The maps display solid and drift geology , as well as the full range of geoenvironmental constraints that affect urban planning and redevelopment , such as bulk mineral extraction and undermining .
28 It co-ordinates and directs the ‘ puzzle-solving ’ activity of the groups of normal scientists that work within it .
29 Hence teachers hold stereotypical views of normal deviants that correspond to social images outside the school or within the curriculum .
30 The European Fighter Aircraft ( EFA ) is merely the latest in a series of collaborative projects that have produced radars , missiles and aircraft for the alliance .
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