Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun pl] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 Viruses which replicate in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells probably have no access to the host transcriptional machinery .
2 Three of eight subjects also had HAPCs during fasting .
3 The right hon. Gentleman is aware that a number of European economies either have been in recession or are moving towards recession at precisely the moment when the United Kingdom economy is poised to come out of recession .
4 As with the use of acute beds there has been a significant increase in utilisation by older people during the years 1976 — 86 .
5 All discussions of extraterrestrial civilizations therefore have to be purely speculative .
6 4 The same piece of string , 36cm long , can be pulled in to a lot of different rectangles all having the same perimeter , but different areas .
7 However , the patients of non-fundholding practices now have no ophthalmology service available at their local hospital and have to travel up to 50 miles ( 80 km ) to their regional hospital .
8 Directors of licensed dealers rarely have secure jobs .
9 Around two-thirds of British homes now have central heating .
10 There were reports of some units already having transferred allegiance to Ukraine , including the 48th division , withdrawn from Czechoslovakia in 1990 , which had disobeyed orders of Sept. 10 to move to the Caucasus .
11 Notions of cultural deficits frequently have been replaced by an emphasis upon differences with apparently no pejorative connotations .
12 What proportion of comprehensive schools now have mixed ability teaching ?
13 What proportions of comprehensive schools now have mixed ability teaching ?
14 The Lassavette — Glass Negative Prints of 100 Years Ago had been taken along by Peter Macdonald of Godalming Photographic Club .
15 Because of such concerns there has been considerable opposition to the testing of genetically engineered organisms in the field , as is exemplified by the furore surrounding the release of the so-called ‘ ice minus ’ bacterium .
16 It will be the Master of the Rolls who decides whether an appeal is so important that it should be referred to a court composed of more than three judges , even though decisions of such courts formally have no greater weight than those of three judge courts .
17 Many of these activities also have relatively low energy requirements , and DRA commodities such as red meat and solitude are in increasing demand .
18 An increasing number of these teachers already have experience of peripatetic , school-based work on behaviour problems ( Lane 1978 , Coulby and Harper 1985 ) .
19 Each of the ‘ sentences ’ in the network only has meaning in terms of its relations to other sentences , and each of these sentences only has meaning in relation to others , and so on .
20 None of these questions yet has a satisfactory answer .
21 Incidentally , any of these phones here has got absolutely no trunk access on it , it 's got class of service 31 , got no trunk access .
22 However , the introduction of these crops often had serious consequences for soil conservation such as the cultivation of groundnuts in Mali and Niger ( Franke and Chasin 1980 ) , and pure stand maize cultivation and cotton .
23 This means that each of these filters only has a capacity of 80% of the size stated , in imperial gallon terms .
24 Each of these points then has another sequence of points accumulating on it where yet more complicated heteroclinic orbits connect the three stationary points , and so on , ad infinitum .
25 In pursuance of these demands there has been a lot of collective action .
26 Some of these centres clearly had separate names at one time and some must have had their own churches .
27 As several of these clients now have windows 3.1 , I thought it would be a good idea to get this running on my Epson ( once again , not for multitasking — purely for single user experience ) .
28 The author of these words clearly had his pen in one hand and his dick in the other , and had forgotten which was which .
29 A few of these computers also have a decimal floating-point format .
30 It should be noted that 18 of these patients also had therapeutic endoscopy of the pancreas with the aim at restoring the patency of the pancreatic duct ( pancreatic sphincterotomy , extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy , with or without stent placement in the main pancreatic duct ) .
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