Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Teale damaged knee ligaments against Spurs on Saturday which will bring an end to an unbroken run of 70 matches in the first team .
2 It provides object-linking and graphical displays of hierarchical structures like the thesaurus and tool boxes .
3 The dominance of technical experts within the Communist Party as well as the state bureaucracy had introduced a new form of social stratification derived from technical knowledge and professional qualifications .
4 There are a number of technical differences between the two .
5 the proliferation of technical manuals over the last twenty years has meant that the number of manuals supplied with complex aircraft/systems has increased to the point where it is practically impossible to access all the information in the ‘ library ’ ( Fig. 1 shows an example of technical manual growth rate within the Naval Air Systems Command ) ;
6 Frequent criticism of the dearth of technical demonstrations at the Royal Welsh prompted MLC 's regional beef specialist , Brinley Davies , to stage a third day livestock ring presentation of practical genetics .
7 Attention will be paid to the treatment of breakdowns , the role of technical skills in the choice and use of machinery and the nature of training .
8 However , the recent emergence of technical difficulties on the British side , including problems with water penetration and spoil removal , does cast some doubt of the company 's optimism .
9 THIS MONTH the government will publish both a policy White Paper and a draft of technical standards for the cabling of Britain in the next two or three years .
10 Still on the subject of standards , new in the Library is a book entitled ‘ Harmonisation of Technical Standards in the EC ’ by Sebastian Farr ( 658.562 ) .
11 The strategy has been to abolish national protectionism in the sales of terminal equipment , to lay down one set of technical standards throughout the EC , to separate the regulatory and business sides of the telecoms authorities , and to open public purchasing of equipment to pan-European tender .
12 ( 3 ) Very recent discoveries of articulated thelodonts from the Silurian and Devonian of northwestern Canada have revealed a surprising new body shape among agnathans and traces of a stomach , as well as providing evidence of the affinities of this enigmatic group .
13 ( Specimen kindly made available by V.V. Missarzhevksy. ) c , Deltaclavus graneus , a series of articulated sclerites from the Lower Cambrian of Hubei , China , x90 .
14 The leader of the ABSU , Upendra Nath Bramha , said that a cessation of violence would automatically follow the lifting of repressive measures by the government .
15 This relief , it may be added , was matched for a while by the exemption of some forty villages in the West Riding in 1319 , and of 128 villages in the North Riding in 1322 , from lay taxes because of the scale of their poverty resulting from the Scottish raids .
16 On July 26 the government authorized the deployment of 7,000 troops on the island of Sicily , the first such deployment seen in post-war Italy .
17 The idea of commissioning artists to decorate ceramics in their own individual styles was a tradition first established in the 1770s when Josiah Wedgwood employed the services of noted artists of the time .
18 There were reports during January that the Rome accord , the partial ceasefire negotiated on Dec. 1 , 1990 , to cover the Beira and Limpopo corridors , was breaking down in the face of persistent attacks by the rebel Mozambique National Resistance ( MNR or Renamo ) .
19 Equally important in undermining the hopes of egalitarians in Britain was growing evidence of persistent inequalities between the classes in health status in spite of 30 years of a free health service .
20 The general approach adopted by the House of Lords to the weight which should be attached to the views of a child who has sufficient understanding to make an informed decision is clearly of great importance , but it is essential to bear in mind that their Lordships were concerned with the extent of parental rights over the welfare of the child .
21 In addition , the existence of tax allowances for children was seen by others , including Beatrice Webb ( 1919 , p. 307 ) and Seebohm Rowntree ( 1918 , p. 141 ) , as an important precedent to be used in the argument for extending the state 's recognition of parental responsibilities by the introduction of cash family allowances .
22 Mr Bob Balchin , chairman of the Grant-Maintained Schools Foundation , said yesterday that he was expecting an avalanche of parental ballots after the Easter holidays .
23 Since the Congress Kingdom of Poland was only one of a number of outlying parts of the empire which required his attention , and since he could hardly afford a forward policy in western Europe or the Balkans until his own peripheries were fully integrated into the imperial structure , he spent more time in the 1830s and 1840s on his own non-Russian subjects than on dealings with foreigners .
25 A number of Royalist prisoners from the civil wars in England and Ireland were transported to the sugar islands in the 1650s as convict labour with the prospect of eventual release to become part of the white garrison , but this barely covered the losses from death and emigration .
26 Maxi futures on the VL index are currently priced at £65 000 , while the price of mini futures on the VL index is , by definition , one fifth of the maxi VL price , £13 000 .
27 Erm and possibly the installation of mini roundabouts at the minor junctions erm would give us quite a lot of benefit .
28 We also tested a sample of autistic children in the chocolate-finding task and found that they were again behaving just like the three-year-olds : going to the baited box for twenty trials , despite wanting to win chocolates and occasionally trying to filch them from the experimenter 's bag .
29 The solid line on the graph in Figure 6.9 extends from 3900 Ma ago to 850 Ma ago , this being the age range of dated regions on the Moon .
30 So far , with the number of Japanese-speaking graduates in the UK scarcely being measured in three figures , any reciprocal learning will depend mainly on what Japanese companies choose to make available .
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