Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] that [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 The asserted transformation of the economy from an industrial to a service-based post-industrial economy rests upon a linear model of economic change that was first proposed by Fisher and Clark in the 1930s .
2 There were times when her preoccupation with ‘ basket power ’ , with the sovereignty of the consumer seemed part of a conception of political change that was both reformist and restricted , not least because it failed to challenge domestic discourses of women 's roles ; but such attention has to be seen in the context of a commitment to conceptions of political radicalisation based on personal development .
3 In the Gold Coast , J.H. Brew , Timothy Laing , Casely Hayford , Attoh Ahuma and James Mensah Sarbah founded a strong tradition of political satire that was to last well into the nationalist period .
4 The old climate of political opinion that was broadly hostile to the public sector had changed .
5 The clear definition of objectives is also impeded by the fragmentation of political authority that was discussed in chapter 3 .
6 There were two identical copies of each object that were interchanged regularly between trials .
7 On occasion we were able to produce small fragments of intact retina that were suitable for microspectrophotometry and yet were extensive enough to answer the present question .
8 They beat South Korea 4-3 in extra time to finish with the bronze medal and set off scenes of joyous celebration that were watched by millions on TV back home .
9 Was it I mean when the actual decision was made to ge to get rid of that property that was there prior to the flats , was that a controversial decision or was it welcomed by local people who ?
10 In the case of Descartes , it eventuated in laws of motion , one of which resembles the principle of linear inertia that was so basic to Newton 's analysis of the relationship between force , mass , and acceleration .
11 A flare of sexual longing that was totally shameful .
12 The form it 's taking is not extremely reactionary , I would n't want to say that , but it does seem to me that it 's shifting away from progressive forms of narrative resolution that were available a few years ago .
13 The car , an ancient Pontiac taxi that was painted six shades of yellow and purple , stopped outside the twin piles of broken coral that were Bonefish 's proud gateposts .
14 That was n't though the only form of public address that was given .
15 These were songs that laced their natural exuberance with a strain of English satire that was remarkable because it seemed so unaffected .
16 I felt that there were two possible areas of theoretical physics that were fundamental and in which I might do research .
17 He had found the porter visiting the superintendent nurse in her room , a form of social exchange that was strictly forbidden .
18 This episode reveals a flexibility of social structure that was thought only to occur in humans .
19 yeah , but he was here the other Sunday and he , he , they were , he , he was reading my paper and he come back and he the following Sunday he said you have n't got last Sunday 's paper mum , I said I do n't know I might , oh I think I threw it out , anyway just happened to find it , it was something he read of some woman that were meddling on the pools and the , the , what she 'd used , you know and the
20 It was the UK government 's refusal to accept the extension of this procedure that was the cause of it 's rejection of the Social Protocol .
21 A computational model of this type that was initially developed for shape-perception is now being applied to the control of bodily movement .
22 In some odd way he was not a stranger because his name was painfully familiar and she imagined she had been expecting this angry arrival since her accident — that must be the cause of this feeling that was swimming through her .
23 Portugal was ruled by an authoritarian dictatorship , and so was at odds with the principles of liberal democracy that were deeply embedded in the life of the other six .
24 The symbols had a tinge of feminine superiority , an aura of vast power that was taken for granted .
25 It was always an elitist kind of limited democracy that was applauded a democracy of powerful , autonomous , but cautious , leaders , in limp relation to passive and uncommitted followers who had nothing to give but their votes and unquestioning support .
26 This is a feature of Cubist painting that was soon to become very apparent .
27 This last was said with a kind of passionate zeal that was typical of Robert , and which sometimes grated on Stephen 's nerves .
28 From among the lemon trees , the solitary figure watched the filmy scrap of white dress that was Shelley Cameron , until it vanished round the corner like a beautiful wood spirit .
29 These forces have been described as ‘ Wallacian ’ ( Harper , 1977 ) , because they represent those agents of natural selection that were of more concern to Wallace than to Darwin in accounting for how organisms are as they are and behave as they do .
30 It was hard to get , and she filled the bucket by crumbling into it some of the clumps of dried earth that were still inside old flowerpots .
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