Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 Preliminary drafts of technical reports have been prepared .
2 The social effects of this complex of technical changes have been diverse .
3 The direction of technical change has been explored in a series of papers initiated by the work of Kennedy ( 1964 ) , von Weizsacker ( 1966 ) and Samuelson ( 1965 ) .
4 And in looking at the experience not merely of Asia , but also of Africa , what becomes increasingly apparent is that most development strategies have tended _ particularly when we look at technical change — erm have tended to bypass women , or in many cases one also notes that the impact of technical change has been detrimental to poor women , and examples of this can be found , for instance , in terms of adoption of certain kinds of technique , like mechanisation of rice processing in parts of Asia , where one finds that there has been a large scale displacement of landless women .
5 ‘ The level of technical co-operation has been particularly good .
6 The issue of parental concern had been resolved , at least for the time being , and Rick and his department could proceed with their curriculum development without the spectre of parental complaint haunting them .
7 Black slabs of indeterminate material had been used to construct the ancient castle .
8 And their prospects of striking gold have been enhanced considerably by the presence of the ‘ A ’ team , Nicholas Cruz and Harry Robinson .
9 And their prospects of striking gold have been enhanced considerably by the presence of the ‘ A ’ team , Nicholas Cruz and Harry Robinson .
10 During the past 15 years , important discoveries of new kinds of extinct agnathans have been made worldwide which considerably increase our knowledge of the variety of agnathans and , at the same time , question some of the traditional ideas about the interrelationships of these early fishes and the history of vertebrate specializations .
11 Excavations have uncovered positive proof that between 10,000 and 25,000 years ago it was a wild beast 's den with bones of extinct animals having been found in the stalagmites on the cave floor .
12 Both for the UK ( Stevenson , 1968 ) and for the US ( Leighninger , 1980 ) the evolution of the generic-specialist debate in the context of professional development has been traced .
13 Mr Beloff argued that a prima facie case of professional misconduct had been made out and should have been put before the barristers ' disciplinary tribunal .
14 If the question of professional misconduct had been pursued the issue would not merely have been the efficacy of the Code but the power of the employer against the strength and stature of the profession , and thence the credibility of the profession .
15 A working party of professional staff has been set up to devise and control the resulting programmes ’ …
16 Thus far only a small fraction of overseas investment of multi-national corporations has been allotted to agribusiness in the poor countries , but the amount is increasing .
17 The geography of fifteenth-century palaces had been relatively simple : there was a Great Hall , where ceremonious and public appearances were made , and the Chamber where the King withdrew and where only a few could follow him .
18 But the scale of the tragedy exposed by Michael Buerk and his BBC camera crew , and the response it provoked in the no-bullshit , energetic , passionately caring rock musician Bob Geldof meant that old-world attitudes towards the plight of helpless peoples have been given the biggest jolt since the anti-slavery campaigns of the nineteenth century .
19 In recent years , the decrease in the number of deaf children has been greater than the general national decrease , though this is mainly in the numbers of partially-hearing children rather than deaf children .
20 Although sponges are widely distributed in the fossil record they are particularly numerous and easy to collect in Cretaceous rocks in Europe and North America , where dozens of well-preserved species have been described .
21 A theory of extensive review has been advanced by Gould .
22 When it is pointed out that a number of Labour programmes have been markedly radical , as in 1945 and 1983 , then it is claimed that the leaders have failed to be behind them and give them their solid backing and support .
23 After all , the National Association of Labour Teachers had been pressing for Common Schools since 1930 .
24 In its domestic aspects though , things had gone very differently : Unionist fears about the growth of Labour extremism had been widespread before the war and had stemmed from two different factors .
25 The traditional Keynesian view of the conduct of monetary policy has been to assign to it the role of interest rate and/or exchange rate stabilization .
26 Signor and Signora Banterle were anxious to see what sort of strange guest had been picked for them , and I was equally anxious to find out about them — especially after some of the experiences of my schooldays in Parma .
27 Throughout much of 1948 Minton had been working up oils based on his drawings and watercolours of Corsica for an exhibition at the Lefevre , initially promised him at the end of that year but not mounted until February 1949 .
28 Another example of regional development has been in the relocation of Government Departments away from the south-east .
29 Various criteria evaluating the outcome of regional policies have been used .
30 The principle of regional autonomy having been legitimized in the Republican constitution , the Statute was finally approved by the Cortes in September 1932 .
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