Example sentences of "of [verb] [noun sg] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 The problem is that there is a special policy of using custody sparingly for young offenders ( e.g. s.1(4A) of the Criminal Justice Act 1982 ) , and some of their offences are not particularly serious .
2 Similarly , the explosion in the population of sentenced prisoners , which was an ongoing phenomenon for most of the 1990s , appears to be largely attributable to the persistent practice of ‘ over-sentencing ’ — both in the sense of using custody unnecessarily for minor property offenders and others , and of imposing longer sentences across the board than is required for strictly reductivist purposes — for which responsibility rests mainly , but not exclusively , with the Crown Court .
3 There is an honourable tradition amongst musicians , composers and poets of producing work especially for children — the late poet Vinicius de Moraes , singers/composers Chico Buarque , Gilberto Gil , Toquinho , have all produced memorable TV specials for children .
4 All the feeding stuff and there were a pile of feeding stuff then for the hens were all and cattle were fed and all the feeding stuff had to be imported .
5 It is a , a sort of a , a beneficial way of doing business both for myself and for my clients so is that okay ?
6 This is not a sentimental journey in quest of ways and means of making life easier for the offender , but a realistic attempt to tackle the economic problem of saving the community from the losses and suffering caused by the anti-social activities of criminals .
7 Making a will is a way of making life easier for them .
8 In many cases they have given up their spare time to pursue a personal dream of making life better for those around them .
9 In this sense , separatism does n't address itself to the business of making life better for all women , and is then restricted in large part to acting as a channel for the energy of women once they have become embittered by heterosexism .
10 Here one of them sacrifices for the other : both have trouble falling asleep , and their partner 's noisy breath wakes them ; so they wriggle towards the edge of the bed , leaving a broad space down the middle ; they pretend to be sound asleep , in the hope of making sleep easier for their partner , who will then be able to turn from side to side without disturbing the other .
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