Example sentences of "of [noun] could [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 If all representations of lesbianism are negative ( in line with society 's presentation of heterosexuality as the only positive sexuality ) , then conceivably a positive image of lesbianism could have a promotional effect .
2 The change of heart could cost a small number of veterans or widows more than £40 per week and save Middlesbrough Council £110,000 .
3 This new approach was heralded by the decision in Photo Production Ltd. v. Securicor Transport Ltd. ( 1980 ) in which the House of Lords swept away the doctrine that a fundamental breach of contract could prevent an exemption clause from providing a defence .
4 More recently however , Abercrombie has suggested that the theory of ideology could fill a lack in the sociology of knowledge by linking ideology/knowledge with the social process rather than merely with classes or social groups :
5 The APU would not have been accused of exerting a conservative influence with its cross-curricular model ; however , the eventual selection of subjects could have a narrowing effect on the curriculum .
6 An individual in a certain state of mind could fix a powerful emotion to a place .
7 Loss of momentum could mean a return to the stagnation which prevented the Community evolving in the 1970s . ’
8 Partnerships were based on the assumption that reasonable people working in a multitude of organizations could devise an agreed strategy for parts of urban Britain : local and central government would work in harness and would incorporate other interests — the police , the business community , voluntary groups , and so on , into a coherent administrative whole .
9 Reasons for impaired formation of SCFA could include a decreased dietary intake of unabsorbed carbohydrate , a reduction in bacterial flora due to a ‘ washout ’ effect of diarrhoea , and changed conditions for fermentation in the colonic lumen .
10 Whether or not depictions of violence could form an essential part of such a discourse was not considered , since the Court 's focus was on sex , the ‘ crass commercial exploitation ’ of which can debase and distort a ‘ key relationship of human existence , central to family life , community welfare , and the development of human personality ’ .
11 While the average return may be acceptable , the element of variability could imply a risk of financial loss that is unacceptable .
12 The threat of greater competition brought about by the trend towards government curtailment of professional monopolies and relaxation of advertising rules means that refusing to contemplate the idea of incorporation could entail a heavy loss of business .
13 Loss of weight could signify a variety of conditions , from worms to a tumour , and again I ca n't point to anything specific .
14 Cluster groups of schools could conduct a joint review , sharing their experiences .
15 She would be the first woman Lord Chancellor , but her love of hunting could prove an embarrassment to a party committed to doing away with the sport .
16 For about four centuries the rulers of England had been trying to conquer and rule France , Scotland , and Ireland , but they had just lost their last foothold in France at Calais , their position in Ireland was as insecure as it had ever been , and the Scottish problem had taken an altogether new turn because Mary the Queen of Scotland could present a good claim to the English throne .
17 If the Court of Session could make an order of the same nature , it was better to resort to its jurisdiction ; if it would not make such an order , the English court would hesitate the more before seeking to make an order to be effective in Scotland .
18 She added that any attempt to restrict the availability of parents could have a detrimental effect on children .
19 Until the mid- and late 1970s , there were simply no rules whereby groupings of parents could obtain a state-financed , multi-denominational school , as the only channels of communication in these matters were those between the Department of Education and the relevant diocesan department or other church board .
20 Intriguingly , this slow pulse beat of climate could resolve a puzzle concerning the favoured ‘ Milankovitch model ’ of Ice Ages .
21 Any particular estimate of NAIRU could include a large proportion of workers who were involuntarily unemployed .
22 Having shown the potential of this genre in North Sea ( 1938 ) , his film about fishermen caught in a storm , he demonstrated with Target for Tonight ( 1941 ) , which follows an air-crew on a raid across the Channel , that films about the truth of war could secure a large audience .
23 Furthermore , a professional in the financial sector who failed to exercise " due care " in obtaining the identification of customers could incur an unspecified fine or a term of up to one year in prison .
24 A glut of properties could cause a slump in the housing market .
25 Third , in the event of there ever being a major conflict which risks escalating to the nuclear level , rules and associated practices and deployments which are specifically aimed at reducing the risks of escalation could play a valuable role .
26 Put simply , the Record of Achievement could become a Record of Failure , at least for the child who makes a slow start to achievement within the prescribed National Curriculum .
27 Large corporations in business make pitiful efforts to persuade men to attend lectures on retirement , as if a few hours of instruction could shield a man from the cold wind of eternity .
28 The subject of wrist-cocking could use a little explanation .
29 You 'd have thought anybody with two brain cells to rub together and a spark of wit could find a way past Mike Read and Phil Collins .
30 So the selection of species could favour a minority of species in which larger individuals increasingly began to interbreed .
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