Example sentences of "of [noun] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It includes for the first time in one volume additional indexes for porcelain painters , enamellers and silhouettists , incorporating the work of artists up to the present day .
2 And from the middle of this year onwards , both painters had adopted and accentuated Cézanne 's device of lifting the tops of objects up towards the picture plane .
3 Alternatively the other detector can take a lower-resolution spectrum of objects up to a 10 000 times fainter .
4 Secondly , it is of course up to the individual credit granter to decide whether or not to enter into a transaction requested by an individual customer .
5 This is , by definition , neither a penalty clause , nor a limitation of liability up to a certain amount , because it is supposed to be a genuine pre-estimate of the damage .
6 The revenue gained from this reform should be used so that contributions rise by single percentage points over bands of income up to the upper earnings limit .
7 Brilliant weather from the end of May through into June , particularly on the west coast , saw hordes of climbers up on the big mountain routes , particularly on Ben Nevis .
8 Someone or something had been through the fridge and taken away a few samples of earthling diet — a chilli con carne and a cold lasagne that was probably even now being scoffed by a load of blobs up in the ionosphere .
9 payments should be 100% of loss up to a certain limit , and tapered down in varying proportions thereafter .
10 There was the hum of cars up on the main road .
11 WordPerfect for Windows Power Macros is one of those weighty ( 500+ pages ) books/manuals and although designed for the ‘ couple of steps up from a basic knowledge ’ reader , I did n't find it got me into the harder bits gently .
12 Instead , some crumbled , some caused fear and crime and many led to isolation hundreds of feet up above the rest of the town , But back in 1952 something needed to be done to take us out of Victorian and Edwardian accommodation and into the second half of the 20th century .
13 A close wet-shave is not really possible , say if he 's thousands of feet up in the air and he wants to stay sweet with fellow plane passengers .
14 A close wet-shave is not really possible , say if he 's thousands of feet up in the air and he wants to stay sweet with fellow plane passengers .
15 And the attraction for them is not the crystal clear images of HDTV , but the prospect of broadcasting up to a dozen channels carrying pictures of today 's conventional clarity over cables or satellite transponders that now carry only one channel , a marvel made possible by digital compression .
16 Dating has obviously become extremely inaccurate by this level compared with the precision higher up the stratigraphical column , but presumed late Precambrian glacial deposits extend from the west of Ireland up through the Highlands of Scotland and then up through Norway to Varangerfjord near its northernmost tip .
17 They described it as Maiwa , " the wall at the side of the world , four moons " sail to the eastward … a land which stretches to the north and to the south without end … beyond the furthest eastward island it lies — a wall of mountains up against the sun " .
18 You arrange to draw Bills of Exchange up to an agreed limit payable at a stipulated future date — the minimum for each individual bill is £50,000 .
19 Cover for deterioration of goods in deep freeze due to breakdown is now included free of charge up to a limit of £500 .
20 It consisted of a short platform , a tin shack , and a set of buffers up against the hedge which bordered the main road .
21 It was tempting to take one of the sacks of fuel up to the cottage and have one last night of heat — a temptation he could n't resist .
22 Class 3 contributions are voluntary contributions paid by non-employed persons ; the usual reason they are paid is to bring the number of contributions up to a level to entitle the person to a benefit .
23 The ne'er-do-wells and the many sightseers mixed with the army of law clerks carrying rolls of parchment up from the cellar known as Hell where , Sir John explained , the legal records were kept .
24 The political reform proposals included open meetings of grass-roots party organizations ; the selection of officials up to the rank of Deputy Minister , district APL first secretary or divisional Army or militia commander , and of all enterprise and institution directors , to be " based on elections by the working people , on merit " in order to " have as few cadres as possible appointed directly from above " ; a limit of two terms in office for all members of elective party and state bodies , including the People 's Assembly ( parliament ) and the APL central committee ; a choice between candidates in elections to these bodies ( albeit only communist or communist-backed candidates ; Alia categorically ruled out abandoning " the hegemony of the APL " and allowing rival political parties ) ; and reduction in the bureaucratic apparatus .
25 It must be grown early and erm , and then just erm down , plenty of muck up in the ground , and erm they 'll grow .
26 It is paid free of tax up to a maximum of £8000 over the full period of the allowance ( see Appendix 1 ) .
27 The first source of ‘ goodness ’ is to be found in the millions of years of evolution up to the time of the ‘ Dawn of Civilisation ’ .
28 It was announced on Oct. 8 that the IMF had passed reviewed favourably its economic performance , freeing a tranche of credit up to the value of US$130,000,000 under the 1991 standby arrangement .
29 The weir is formed of stones which shoot fine sprays of water up through the gravel on the river bed in a similar fashion to a jacuzzi .
30 It 's actually got sixteen bars of start up at the moment , in short score ,
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