Example sentences of "of [noun] and [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They make their way down through the courtyard past the concierge 's busy-lizzies and geraniums in their cluster of terracotta and out onto the street where the Mercedes and driver are double-parked squeezing the traffic to an irascible trickle .
2 It knocked me straight out of paradise and back into reality . ’
3 Combat gear should stay out of clubs and back on squaddies and serial killers
4 This is something only you can judge , but most of the waters I fish respond well to a half-bucket of groundbait and up to a pint of maggots and/or fifty or sixty worms .
5 As you might expect , though , it is difficult to stop the loss of energy and plasma along the magnetic lines of force and out of the ends of these machines .
6 Jezrael swung herself breathless over a bar of rock and down into the wind-shadow of a huge erratic that faced the sharp-cut sunrise .
7 One takes me along St Mary 's Villas and Barrowclough Road , past the old municipal baths and the new DIY and wholesale paint centre ; while the other means cutting down Lennox Gardens , taking that street whose name I always forget into Rumsey Road , then past the row of shops and back into the High Street .
8 He led the way along a series of paths , up assorted flights of steps and out across a seemingly limitless expanse of finely mown rugby and hockey pitches that climbed the hillside in stepped succession .
9 er , we have in the East end of the village , including the pub , the farm , and various other properties , a certain type of properties that elevation , a certain sympathetic er amenity , and these buildings , I I heard the word mentioned earlier , I live in the country , I could live in the town , it does n't matter where I live , but these are not the sort of properties , in my opinion , that should be put on this particular site , er and they 're they 're totally , all our own elevations and plans of height , and they are totally and utterly out of proportion and out of scale with the present day entrance to the village , and whilst we 're not talking totally and utterly about looks , if you come down into the village they are going to be totally over powering , particularly in the , in the actual , in this situation of no hedges and that kind of thing ,
10 In the end , it was relatively easy to steal through the darkened halls of Tara and out into the night .
11 By the late eleventh century the hand of Cluny was felt in houses spread all over the north of Spain and down into Italy , even to La Cava near Naples and over into Sicily , and also across the south and west of Germany in the movement which had its centre in Hirsau .
12 In 1813–14 the English were back in Bayonne , this time as the besiegers , when the Duke of Wellington 's army drove Napoleon 's troops out of Spain and back within their own borders .
13 All over the south and south-west of England and up into the midlands and the borders of Wales we may encounter ancient hill forts on hill tops or upper slopes , still marked by the visible line of prehistoric ditches .
14 According to John Dunster , then a scientist with the AEA and now chairman of the NRPB , the main radioactive cloud travelled south-east across most of England and on over Europe .
15 ‘ At the same time , the Labour Party must always be the party committed to lifting people out of poverty and out of unemployment , ’ he said .
16 Christina was pleased to get her into the car without being mobbed , and drove quickly out of town and on to the coast-road .
17 The brothers were literally run out of town and back over the English border .
18 Wishing the bride good luck , we pushed our way through the milling crowds of guests and out under the entrance arch of the haveli .
19 Though the Lords expressed a slight preference for Heath , the upshot of all these inquiries was that most people , in the House of Commons and out of it , intimated that they would be equally happy with either Heath or Maudling .
20 A wide double carriageway here would be out of place and out of character .
21 Nevertheless , there was general agreement on all sides that Sandys had overstepped the line between sensible and imprudent change , and that it was time to shift the emphasis away from the nuclear end of the spectrum of War and back to a more balanced , central position .
22 Paul McBride , for Todd , 32 , of Hogarth Road , London , said that he had known Sim for a number of years and out of loyalty wanted to help him .
23 Levels of hydrocarbons in the environment of Sullom Voe and Yell Sound are in the range of 15 and 600 parts per million , compared with as much as 3000ppm in the Firth of Forth and up to 5000ppm around a North Sea oil platform .
24 Then , or at home looking at a map of Britain , the West calls , out of Wiltshire and out of Cornwall and Devon beyond , out of Monmouth and Glamorgan and Gower and Caermarthen , with a voice of dead Townsends , Eastaways , Thomases , Phillipses , Treharnes , Marendaz , sea men and mountain men .
25 In year 1 you may put in a maximum of £3,000 and up to £1,800 in each succeeding year — up to a total of £9,000 over 5 years .
26 Most people arrive on the island on the north side and from here it 's best to travel east and walk from the port of Ryde over to the town of Seaview and down to Sandown .
27 It flashed through my mind that it was someone who was allowed out in the grounds of Bourani and down at Moutsa only on pain of keeping herself concealed .
28 He says they do this ‘ to direct other horses to food and water , especially over distances where they were out of earshot and out of sight of each other ; or to split the herd in time of danger ’ .
29 For mature students ( those 21 years of age and over at the time of entry ) the relationship was particularly weak .
30 Mr Harper , from Richmond , North Yorkshire , says his letter has been sent from ‘ pillar to post ’ from Downing Street to the Department of Environment and on to the Health Department without a word from Mr Major .
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