Example sentences of "of [noun] and [verb] time " in BNC.

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1 As the Lord President has successfully demolished the Opposition 's spurious arguments , will he get back to real questions of security and take time to pay tribute to all who look after security in the Palace of Westminster ?
2 Lines 20 to 40 to get the correct time , lines 50 and 60 calculate the number of centi-seconds and set TIME , and lines 110 to 130 convert the value in TIME to hours , minutes and seconds .
3 The time deictic " now " explicitly signals the synchronicity of content and coding time pointed out by Green in Section 6 , while the use of the demonstrative of spatial proximity " this ' in reference to the flea implies the existence of a shared situational context , in which a spoken , face-to-face interaction is taking place .
4 This patient was actually normal at reading regular words and non-words ( in terms of accuracy and reading time ) , but made many errors in reading exception words .
5 Briefly , though , the bases for systems of reckoning and measuring time in most languages seem to be the natural and prominent cycles of day and night , lunar months , seasons and years .
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