Example sentences of "of [noun] [be] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Typical of his dramatic handling of words is this passage from ‘ Quanto piu m'arde ’ ( published in 1540 ) .
2 One difficulty in describing a climate of opinion is this fact : that many shared views are not stated openly , but assumed .
3 When Kevin Woodford , owner and chef of Woodfords restaurant on the Isle Of Man asked viewers of ITV 's This Morning programme to write to him about any culinary problems , the letters simply flooded in .
4 Artists who might once have worked only on a more conventional sort of picture are this year moving into designing screens as well .
5 Typical of stress is this feeling of being for ever ‘ on the run ’ , unable to stop and be at peace with yourself .
6 That 's right , as , as , as Theresa said at the beginning , one of the prime characteristics of dreams is this kind of visual erm symbolism and in the course of analyzing thousands of dreams of course which he did in his practice , Freud found that very often certain fundamental things that people tend to dream about quite a lot tend to appear in lots of people 's dreams with similar kinds of er representations , and among the most notorious and obvious of these were things related to sex .
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