Example sentences of "of [noun] [adv] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 David took two quarter bottles of champagne out of the mini-bar , and collected two tooth mugs .
2 On Jan. 27 the Chilean Supreme Court agreed to submit questions on the Letelier case to US President Bush ( head of the US Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) at the time of the killings ) , following allegations by Gen. ( retd ) Manuel Contreras and Col. Pedro Espinoza , the former head and chief of operations respectively of the DINA secret police during the 1973-90 Pinochet regime , that the Letelier attack had been carried out by CIA agents infiltrated into the DINA , in order to discredit the Pinochet regime .
3 Whether or not the decision was motivated by tenderness towards motorists is hard to tell , but there was certainly some logic in keeping offences of negligence out of the ‘ unlawful act ’ doctrine when a separate head of manslaughter by gross negligence already existed .
4 Being organised can take a great deal of worry out of a single life .
5 ‘ People who buy these pale impressions of literature instead of the real thing are bound to be disappointed sooner or later . ’
6 It is absolutely essential that each parcel should be described with such particularity and precision that there is no room for doubt about the boundaries of each , and for such purposes if a plan is intended to control the description of part only of a building , an Ordnance map on a scale of 1:2500 is worse than useless ( Scarfe v Adams [ 1981 ] 1 All ER 843 ) .
7 Where the demised property consists of part only of a building the draftsman may either include sanitary facilities in each demise or he may grant each tenant a right to use communal facilities .
8 The court can not normally order the grant of a new tenancy of part only of the holding ( Fernandez v Walding [ 1968 ] 2 QB 606 ) .
9 Sometimes the root deed itself will refer to the restrictive covenants and sometimes new restrictive covenants will be imposed in this transaction , for example , if it is a sale of part only of the seller 's property .
10 If the sale is of part only of the land affected by the notice of deposit , a simple letter of consent to the transaction from the bank or other person protected by the notice , addressed to the Chief Land Registrar , is sufficient ; but some banks have their own form , which they like to use in such cases .
11 Evidently there is something odd about the expression imperator noster divus Marcus , for noster is generally used of the current emperor , and divus of course only of a deceased one .
12 The Dutch airline KLM is investigating why ‘ many hundreds ’ of birds out of a cargo of 15,000 , including flamingoes , were found dead on arrival from Dar es Salaam at Heathrow , en route to Miami .
13 Half the Dale believes him to be some sort of wizard out of the western mountains , and folk such as Bragad will use the rumours .
14 In the meantime I have returned the draft Contract approved to the vendor 's solicitors providing for a reduced deposit of £2,600 instead of the full 10% deposit of £5,200 and I enclose one part of the Contract for signature by you both where indicated in pencil .
15 President Mikhail Gorbachev on April 20 issued a decree taking the authorization of demonstrations and other public gatherings in the centre of Moscow out of the jurisdiction of the Moscow city soviet and passing it to the USSR Council of Ministers .
16 He and Compeyson had got a lot of money out of a rich lady some years before , and Arthur kept dreaming of this lady .
17 He said that although Raper and his ‘ henchman ’ , Allen , had unlawfully exported large sums of money out of the UK 's jurisdiction , by the terms of the agreement the bank liquidators would take no voluntary part in any subsequent proceedings relating to the contempt charges .
18 Among the things they criticized were the arrogant behaviour of Party leaders , their lenient treatment when misdemeanours came to light , the fact that ‘ the awaited purge in the Party had not taken place ’ , the wringing of money out of the people in constant collections , and the ‘ large , elegant cars ’ in which Party functionaries travelled to and from work .
19 insurance practitioners make a lot of money out of the system and therefore actively promote it
20 A third-round two-fisted torrent of punches got a tough James Phelan of Hull out of the way in the North-Eastern Counties finals , then Kirby 's Alan Ryder and the RAF 's Darren Rudd went the same way .
21 In 1830 , 70 English boroughs had 100 or less voters ; Old Sarum and Dunwich were uninhabited constituencies ; and in 1793 it was estimated that 400 Members of Parliament out of a total of around 530 were nominated or dependent on noblemen in such a way that they were likely to lack the chance to display any real independence of mind in their parliamentary behaviour .
22 H to track the highest ( latest ) versions of sub-packages regardless of the actual version number specified in the module relationships .
23 The user can specify an issue number or use the default , which is the latest version ; the version number can also be specified as ‘ H ’ to track the highest ( latest ) versions of sub-packages regardless of the actual version number specified in the module relationships .
24 H — Highest , to track the latest versions of sub-packages regardless of the actual version number specified in the module relationships .
25 These not only sell flights but also juggle capacities and fares in order to squeeze the last cent of revenue out of every aircraft seat .
26 This is a country stuffed full of homes out of the Daily Mail Book of Bungalows .
27 Richard Garnett shows how to draw a set amount of chemical out of the spray container with his closed transfer system .
28 You 'll be overjoyed to see a child or youngster living life to the full and getting every ounce of pleasure out of every moment of the day .
29 You 'll be overjoyed to see a child or youngster living life to the full and getting every ounce of pleasure out of every moment of the day .
30 Transport of anions out of the cell on the uptake carrier was demonstrated directly using an anion-sensitive electrode just outside the cell .
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