Example sentences of "of [noun] [adv] to be " in BNC.

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1 Then Hereford substitute Colin Anderson ran into a crowd of defenders only to be brought down by Barrow .
2 The full amount of information contained in the molecular weight distribution is of course not to be described by one or two averages , the complete set of moments being required .
3 It 's of course only to be expected that people should moan about the tax they 've got to pay and people always complain that it seems to go up every year .
4 ‘ Ministers should not prejudice the outcome of proposals yet to be made , or be influenced by a half-baked Monopolies and Mergers Commission report about a tiny acquisition . ’
5 This is not an unproblematic statement ( as we saw in 1.4 ) , but is sufficiently true of a wide enough range of cases not to be cast aside lightly .
6 As the work proceeds she/he makes tentative decisions on what to do with each title , and in doing so obviously takes into account the amount of money shortly to be used for replenishing the stock .
7 There will be plenty of opportunity later to be euphoric .
8 It was the summer 1989 when I went down to the golf club with a friend and played around with him after that I borrowed his clubs quite regularly and practised eventually mum & Dad chipped in and I bought myself a set of clubs well to be exact I bought myself a bag of three iron and a putter during the next two years I had saved up and built up my set of clubs until I had a half set of irons and 2 woods during that time I had always left my clubs at the golf club to save me taking the clubs to the course every time I played .
9 Was that closest of relationships still to be denied ?
10 Right okay can you go into the , just log the data okay last week we were looking at test for structural change and we said that the Chow test is the most commonly used test for structural change in actual fact Chow developed two tests erm , the parameter constancy , I E structural change , fir the first one is where you remember what the , the principle behind the Chow test that you split the whole sample into two sub periods , right and you see whether the , some of the res residual sum of squares from each sub sample , right , is significantly different from the residual sum of squares from a single estimation over the who whole sample period , right if they are significantly different that suggests that the parameters that are estimated over the full er sample period , right , are n't as good estimates as the unrestricted estimates when we are allowing two different sets of parameters just to be estimated .
11 ‘ And , for goodness ’ sake , Laura , stop standing there like Joan of Arc about to be burnt at the stake ! ’
12 Massine 's The Three-Cornered Hat is possibly still the most important national ballet of Spain yet to be produced .
13 All they had to do was pile the earth back on top of the coffin and toss in a few bulbs of garlic just to be on the safe side .
14 Throughout there was a joyless kind of determination never to be proved wrong .
15 While there are also a number of texts that claim to be fabliaux but which are not now considered to belong to the genre , the common characteristics of the type ( described below ) are sufficiently clear for the same number of texts again to be identified with and added to the self-proclaimed fabliaux .
16 If we are interested in creating a democratic society there is clearly a great deal of work yet to be done .
17 I see little value in the interview schedule going into the field to a small sub-sample of respondents if the designer knows in advance that there is a lot of work still to be done .
18 This summary list indicates the amount of work still to be done .
19 Er , so , there is undoubtedly a lot of work still to be done in making the D S O competitive , as for building maintenance work , I 'm not certain we 've ever considered having a building maintenance D S O. We may have looked at it in the days before D S Os , but that 's er , a long time ago , and it 's certainly worth having a look .
20 The answer to this decisive question resides not in a logic which compels , for example , all questions of law always to be for the courts or the tribunal .
21 Henry III was also ‘ lavish in grants of liberties scarcely to be distinguished from complete disafforestments ’ , such as the grant of right of chase in all his lands , within and without the forest , to the Bishop of Winchester .
22 Sometimes a judge is noted as intervening in requesting certain kinds of identification not to be made .
23 The Elton Committee suggested that there was some doubt about the application of the in loco parentis principle to the disciplining of pupils — for its application would mean that a parent 's request to a school for a particular form of punishment not to be administered to his/her child would have to be granted .
24 And what I find interesting is that it 's the sheer vitality of the English sound — it 's not just the Liverpool sound , it 's the English sound — the vitality , the sensuality , the letting one 's hair down quality , that is exactly what the Continentals admired in Dunstable , and strangely enough in a way what Elgar 's got — this incredible sort of desire not to be over formal and to break down certain formal barriers which seems to be so characteristic of English music .
25 The second Bill had passed through the House of Commons only to be thrown out by the House of Lords which could reject all legislation except money bills .
26 The existing blacklist of substances not to be dumped at sea would be superseded by the blanket ban .
27 Although she had made the best of resolutions not to be drawn into talking about her own times , she found it hard to resist Johnny 's persistent questioning .
28 Perhaps he was being absurdly English to treat girls like Cora-Beth as precious pieces of china not to be touched .
29 However , landscapes can now be seen in a variety of ways , in pictures , from the air , and in maps ( Johnson and Pitzl , 1981 ) and this adds further to the list of problems yet to be solved in Lowenthal 's ( 1978 ) excellent essay on finding valued landscapes which include varieties of taste , the effect of social milieu , the distinction between landscape and place , differences between public and professional preferences , whether tastes are innate or learnt , the effect of literary and historical factors , season , time of day , viewpoint chosen and direction of view , novelty and familiarity , distance and memory lending enchantment , personal sensitivity and intensity of feelings , and the effect of experience and training .
30 ‘ There are a lot of questions still to be answered .
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