Example sentences of "of [noun] [be] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Forest of Dean is not an area with a vast quantity of mills although certain areas were quite heavily utilised .
2 The traffic-free routes in the Forest of Dean are already a big attraction for cyclists .
3 The Forest of Dean was once a great and thriving centre for a number of industrial activities , the best-known being iron and coal production .
4 The element of causality in the sacrament of unity is undoubtedly the primary one , from 1 Corinthians 10 onward .
5 The quality of play was not the highest , but the rallies were lively and , with errors abounding , the four games spanned 70 minutes .
6 Two rounds later , the pace of play was much the same .
7 The current year basis of assessment is not an actual basis of assessment unless a 31 March year end is selected , and therefore tax retentions will remain complex to calculate .
8 The ruling class may be an alliance of classes and the maintenance of hegemony is not the same thing as a monolithic dominant ideology .
9 The management of change is also an important feature .
10 The only indication of change is when the juveniles move off to commence feeding .
11 The constant element underlying this type of exclamation is therefore the expression of surprise , indignation , etc. at the happening denoted by the infinitive having been realized .
12 The idea came from the experience of pulling hair out of the bathtub ; ‘ this made me think about the things that are worthless , that we want to get rid of , the embarrassing hidden things like body hair , and the things we value and cultivate — in our culture , for instance , the head of hair is usually the first thing people register when they look at someone , a great deal of energy and money is , therefore , expended on hairdressing and styling .
13 Jewels worn in remembrance of dear ones lost , or exchanged between lovers as tokens , were extremely popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries , although the ubiquitous lockets containing tresses of hair were perhaps the least subtle of these keepsakes. fit a time when the language of such things was far better understood than it is today , hearts and flowers , birds and beasts and a multitude of other symbols were incorporated into jewellery design to signify romantic love , to represent those sentiments and virtues which were the major preoccupation of the day .
14 But his choice of blooms was hardly the issue .
15 It is thus a defence to show that the reason for the alleged act of discrimination was not the plaintiff 's disability but rather an inability to perform the work in question .
16 The Spirit who is the supreme object of prayer is also the prime inspirer of prayer .
17 transition to turbulence is often inherently different from transition to chaos in simple systems ( i.e. systems with few degrees of freedom are not a good guide to those with very many )
18 However , it is clear that the monitoring of contracts is not a costless exercise and it is known from more aggregate economic studies that the administrative costs of health care systems embodying a significant market element are much higher than those of the NHS ( Maxwell , 1985 ) .
19 The types of building were much the same .
20 The end product of psychedelia was not a new way of looking at the world and a liberation of the mind , but rather a lot of shit concept albums in the 1970s and an inaccurate belief on the part of pop stars that they were somehow important .
21 So it is suggested that the Zuwaya image of statelessness was substantially a replica of how their ancestors conceived their society ought to have been , rather than a true and accurate picture of how it was .
22 The difference in technique between all styles of grafting is simply the shape in which both the rootstocks and the vinestocks are cut , the prime purpose being to present the largest possible growing surface between the two canes .
23 The relationship between the two kinds of notations is not an obvious one .
24 However , before getting too carried away and concluding that detailed activity-based accounting may soon be outdated , and replaced by more simple machine-time analyses , it must be remembered that the extremes of CIM are still a long way off for most industries .
25 At the moment , the first line of defence is usually a smoke detector on the ceiling in every corridor .
26 It is virtually an obvious consequence of the accounting formulation used with investment as both the numerator of investment intensity and denominator of ROI , while profit in the numerator of ROI is possibly a fairly stable proportion of sales in the denominator of investment intensity .
27 It can be seen , therefore , that the choice of drug is not a simple matter .
28 I knew before I started out that , weatherwise , the end of March is not the time to plan a journey to the Islands and my misgiving proved to be well founded as on Tuesday 23 March I found myself in the lounge at Dalcross Airport , Inverness watching gale force winds sweep snow across the runways .
29 The Chagga of Kilimanjaro were perhaps the group most fiercely opposed to the increased use of Swahili , but when they elected their paramount chief in the early 1950s they were unable to agree on which of the Chagga dialects to adopt as their common language , and they , too , adopted Swahili .
30 When representatives of the offending authorities are called to account by the Committee , they will need to come up with some better answers to justify their past actions than that members of CPRW are just a fractious minority .
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