Example sentences of "of [noun] [conj] so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The requirement effect on trade which member states of jurisdiction requirement , it is jurisdictionable because it is the first task that the commissioner of the court should undertake when considering quote from wind surfing get in constant and the concept and agreement which may effect trade is intended to define in the law governing cartels the boundary between the areas , respectively covered by community law and national law , it is not necessary law for the competition effected by the alleged restriction and the trade which is effected between members of states to be the same , an example in the defendants list of authorities it 's in the principal and in that case the restriction of competition arose in relation to a product possible spirits which was itself used to manufacture other products namely cognac , it was argued that the that since there was no trade between members of state and possible spirits there could be no effect upon trade between member of states and so twenty five could not apply , the court accepted that factual premise , there is no trade between member of state and import of spirits , but rejected the legal conclusion , they concluded that is was necessary for there to be an effect upon trade in the market where the restrictions occurred , they was trading another product which was related to possible spirits , and of course stated , it must be observed in that respect that any agreement who 's object to effect is to a strict competition by fixing minimum prices for an intermediate product is capable of effecting intro community trade , even if there is no trading in that intermediate product between members of state , that the product constitutes the raw material of another project marketing elsewhere
2 If it 's the usual question of protection that so many couples ca n't bring themselves to discuss because they find it unromantic or embarrassing — heaven knows why , when they 're close enough to be going to bed together — you can relax .
3 But he checked every bit of my work of course and so most of the time do it by himself and let and me do other things .
4 If Scotland gains favours from the government , then the North fears the loss of opportunity and so Labour MPs from Northern constituencies were uneasy .
5 It is symptomatic of the depressed state of industry that so few of the individuals interviewed had anything positive to say about their experiences .
6 She was tempted to use the weather as an excuse to postpone her visit to J. Pringle & Sons , but the work ethic that had carried her successfully through so many years of study and so many examinations now exerted its leverage on her conscience once more .
7 Years of scholarship and so many contentious performances mean that the character is now regarded as ‘ difficult ’ , when it can in fact benefit from the freshness and vitality of the natural actor , who will quickly find the comic qualities of the man as well as his serious side .
8 However , looking more closely at Fig. 6.5b , we see that in the cases and there is no chance that there are any trajectories which remain forever within the region of interest except for the homoclinic orbit itself at r = r* ; for all other trajectories the modulus of the a-coordinate increases on each pass through the top of B and so all trajectories eventually wander out of the region of validity of our analysis ( and , in fact , spiral into C1 or C2 ) .
9 We embarked at Liverpool and the Mersey was full of ice and so cold .
10 He knows he can help to make a difference to the tone and thrust of opinion because so many people rate his work highly .
11 He had only been dragged out of retirement because so many young dons had left to fight on the Western Front .
12 The complex processes set in train with such a blithe disregard of consequence and so little consideration of effect , will of course work their way out in many dimensions .
13 Toby Freely was just nineteen , only a couple of years or so older than the oldest boy at Burleigh .
14 Council officers have a different explanation : it has only one-third its usual tally of accountants because so many have taken voluntary redundancy .
15 It is puzzling when people say I write like this one and that one and all such different kinds of writers and so many of them , and it makes me feel I am nothing in myself . ’
16 Unskilled trainees will require a great deal of supervision and so efficient management will call for a smaller span of control than a situation where the employees are experienced .
17 It is partly because of this early extensive experience of stories that so much writing in primary schools is in story form .
18 The bed was far too low for ease of nursing and so large that its cotton sheets did n't fit .
19 Because most kids nowadays are brought up with constant noise of traffic and so covering ears does n't mean anything does it ? because they 're gon na get the information and absorb much more information none of it , none of any use but so do n't get much information from .
20 There has been a reaction almost of incredulity that so many really beautiful buildings — some in splendid settings — are going to waste .
21 of blindness and so unable to look .
22 Tomorrow we look at who pays for community care , and is it really possible to give the kind of care that so many people need .
23 She could be quite fiery , was wary of journalists , had the touch of insecurity that so many successful broadcasters possess , and was probably more relaxed on screen than off .
24 For Joan Breckenridge it was a mark of popularity that so many colleagues and friends attended her two presentations , when she retired from the company on 20th July , after forty one years of continuous service .
25 Wheeler 's speech contained so many errors of fact and so many suppositions of value which he did not share , that words failed him .
26 Writing in the pages of the Harvard Business Review she explains : ‘ Some managers experience the new managerial work as a loss of power because so much of their authority used to come from hierarchical positions . ’
27 It became , ‘ how can it possibly have come about in so short a period of time that so many women have become involved in politics ? ’
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