Example sentences of "of [noun] [conj] i want " in BNC.

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1 It brought back to me the reality of the life I had so abruptly left behind : I had somehow assumed it would fade out of existence when I wanted , fade back in when convenient , unchanged .
2 I 'll buy a pint of milk but I want some of that !
3 Erm , putting images into words is not always easy , a colour in a painting can give you a way in and the brown of Van Gogh 's jacket erm affected me with this one particularly and the sun flower I felt was inappropriate misplace , in a vase to , to small , erm and it gave me an image a very strong image of suffering and this poem is in its very early stages and its literally just a list of images and I wanted to be able to show you how I start off which is with a series of images and then I have to put some filler in and open them up a bit and , and make them more accessible and understandable , but this is just a list form .
4 Well , the surgery 's at half eleven till half twelve so we pop back here for a quick cup of tea and I want to go up to Felixstowe .
5 ‘ I was n't getting any respect , any money ; I could n't even get hold of Richard when I wanted to , so I decided to put my foot down and straighten things out .
6 It was a great statement of friendship and I wanted to thank him , but appreciated he would be offended .
7 That was still the kind of work that I wanted to do , and if I thought very much a comprehensive schools it was in a spirit of mild disquiet .
8 You are going to decide now , by looking at your graph how you could improve this piece of work and I want you to write the target you decide on , it could be more than one , in the space that says I would improve this work by , you 're to write that now please , off you go and while you 're doing that let's get the register done , shh , shh shh , shh Sarah
9 The striking quality of the final group of poems that I want to discuss is their mutuality and reciprocity .
10 Their taunts must have sickened her , so this ai n't the time to start mauling — even though I 've got a bulge in my pants like a bunch of bananas and I want to rip that nightdress of her and throw her on the bed .
11 But he was alright you know what I mean with the , I never never really knew want , there were lots of things that I wanted and never got of course but I never really , I could never say I wanted , and I never went hungry , not even at any time , you know .
12 Suddenly I realised that there were all sorts of things that I wanted to do that I had n't done .
13 Said Granada 's Controller of Sport Paul Doherty : ‘ I told the ITV lawyers that I consider this unfair restriction of trade and I want ITV as a body to challenge it in the courts .
14 ‘ And there was a lot of trouble when I wanted to help the Vicar .
15 I have a lot of science that I want to do first .
16 He took us to the Þingvellir National park where the clouds parted and the sun shone on square kilometres of snow that was so clean and pure it made me weep for all the time we had lost on the trip , and for the pleasure of being where I wanted to be .
17 Mr Brandreth said : ‘ Mr Hanley only arrived at his desk this week , but I have asked to see him as a matter of urgency because I want him to reconsider the whole question of the location of the Army 's pay and personnel centre .
18 She appeared to be trying to out-stare me , but actually I 'm rather good at that sort of thing when I want to be , and I did n't let my eyes flicker .
19 I did n't go till about half ten ah no cos I had a few letters and stuff to write first and I thought right I 'll just take me time and , cos I wanted to I did n't wan na go faster than you know than I should , I should have done sort of thing cos I wanted to time it properly .
20 Richards said : ‘ Things have n't gone well for me this season because of injuries but I want to stay on here to finish the job .
21 O K , er , let's go back to Andrew , how much would I pay for my fifty thousand pounds of cover if I wanted to pay annually , will it cost me two hundred or two forty ?
22 ‘ There were a lot of seductive scenes and that sort of stuff and a lot of characters that were a complete copy of Charlene and I wanted to get away from that . ’
23 But with the group albums , and this one , there is a level of detail that I want to get which just takes time .
24 But I also began by raising the question of Milton 's sense of dedication because I want to talk a little bit about the egoism of creation .
25 The range and nature of that choice maybe related to the concept of power and I want to talk about power at a future lecture .
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