Example sentences of "of [noun] [conj] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The aisles have moulded parapets , the walls are of flint , the north porch is partly of brick and has near the door a benatura .
2 As Simon ( 1960 ) pointed out , one of the main tasks in designing a hierarchy is to decide the appropriate level of authority for each class of decision that has to be made .
3 Whilst counselling is n essentially an intellectual process — mostly it depends upon a facility for empathy with a wide range of other human beings — it is nonetheless very demanding in the sheer volume of literature that has to be read and understood .
4 And er can can we scrape away to say Chairman that er , you know this , this , this situation er it is not to do with government policies , we are paying a very heavy price to this country for world recession as we have paid this very high price , very very large amounts of money that had to be used for people who are unfortunate enough to fall out of employment .
5 The sums of money that have to be paid for these efforts and sacrifices will be called either its money cost of production , or , for shortness , its expenses of production ; they are the prices which have to be paid in order to call forth an adequate supply of the efforts and waitings that are required for making it ; or , in other words , they are its supply price .
6 Since 1985 , there has been action in several prisons over several demands , but perennially the amount of overtime that has to be worked .
7 Factions of labour that have through struggle or out of scarcity managed to create islands of privilege within a sea of exploitation will also just as surely rally to the cause of the alliance to preserve their gains .
8 New policies are but factors in a whole web of demands that have to be managed .
9 From the tip of the headland and for some way out to sea the waves were breaking white against half-submerged fangs and stacks of rock that had in time past broken away from the main cliffs .
10 Erm , I mean I think if we 're wishing to analyse the application , I I think we must consider what it does n't do for the village , and I think there are a number of aspects that have to be considered , erm , first of all as a village , and I 've heard in this very Parish Council that the reputed view made that there is a need for small village accommodation , this development certainly does not provide that , we 've also expressed a view that it would be nice to retain the existing bungalow , because that is small village accommodation , and although it only has a very limited history , again it would be nice to retain it as an integral part of the village .
11 This facility can be used to indicate individual items in a set of data that have to be treated in a special way , different from the majority of items in the set ; a special case is " undefined " items , which have not as yet been assigned a value .
12 This is a pregnancy where the placenta instead of feeding the fertilised egg ( or later the foetus when it is a partial mole ) feeds itself and grows all out of proportion and has to be removed .
13 He , and others like him , were answered by Rousseau , who argues that the social contract which established private property was really the origin of exploitation and had to be replaced by a new social contract .
14 Writing the research report , perhaps in the form of a book This can be a very lengthy process , depending on the amount of work that has to be done on the data collected .
15 There is a lot of work that has to be done by the decider in order to bridge the gap .
16 Item one on M , Mr Chairman , the right of you with the amount of work that has to be done , and the amount of they 're asked for
17 It 's true that in my job I get to meet many celebrities , but there is an enormous amount of work that has to be done as well .
18 Concentration of updates in a particular area — case 3 above — reduces the number of blocks that have to be read and in the most extreme case , where all or none of the records in a block require updating , the percentage of records that need to be read would not change due to blocking .
19 The birth was so difficult and took so long that she was starved of oxygen and had to be delivered by emergency caesarian .
20 Basically the burden of the Test Act was that all office holders erm all holders of public office had to take an oath of allegiance and had to erm take the sacraments in the Church of England otherwise they could n't hold public office .
21 And things like Time Out and so on , and City Limits , tried on the listings in the culture front seem to be seduced by , on the one hand , the need to simply provide information in terms of the listings , or then they felt some kind of twinge of conscience and had to be counter-balanced by radical politics on the other side , which produced a completely split , a paper that you could tear in half and read it as two sort of separate things , and erm and they always erm and something like that always felt
22 Bryan Overy , who joined the CNAA as one of two Senior Assistant Registrars in Science and Technology in 1968 , underlines the kinds of difficulties that had to be faced .
23 The next group of sections deals with the various types of publicity that have to be given to the annual accounts and reports .
24 There 's a significant amount of adaptation that has to be done . ’
25 Branson had drawn up what was to become known as the ‘ Million List ’ — the number of things that had to be taken care of in the next three months before the airline could fly .
26 There was a whole host of things that had to be monitored by the stewards er on a daily basis .
27 They find a backlog of work building up , in which important but less urgent planning and discussing never get to the top of the pile , being submerged by the constant stream of things that have to be dealt with immediately .
28 ‘ Why do n't we make a list of things that have to be done ? ’ she suggested practically .
29 And she went out of the room , leaving Clare and Bryony facing one another over two thousand five hundred sheets of paper that had to be folded by Friday .
30 Undaunted , however , by these prospects , Gould set about the preparations for his journey with systematic thoroughness , and , considering the multitude of decisions that had to be made , remarkable clearheadedness .
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