Example sentences of "of [noun] [noun] for children " in BNC.

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1 The proposed post-divorce reform of a jointly agreed statement of parenting arrangements for children is welcome in principle , but many parents will require access to conciliation to enable them to concentrate on their children 's needs .
2 The Duchess of Kent attends a Thanksgiving Service to mark the 150th Anniversary of the foundation of the West of England School for Children with Little or No Sight in Exeter Cathedral .
3 The Duchess of Kent this morning attended a Thanksgiving Service in Exeter Cathedral to mark the 150th Anniversary of the foundation of the West of England School for Children with Little or No Sight , and later opened St David 's House .
4 In this country family allowances were paid in some areas in Tudor times , and at the end of the eighteenth century William Pitt made serious proposals for a national scheme of cash allowances for children .
5 In addition , the existence of tax allowances for children was seen by others , including Beatrice Webb ( 1919 , p. 307 ) and Seebohm Rowntree ( 1918 , p. 141 ) , as an important precedent to be used in the argument for extending the state 's recognition of parental responsibilities by the introduction of cash family allowances .
6 It seems clear that , with careful safeguards , we need some legal machinery , similar to the provision of Place of Safety Orders for children , by which an old person could be received into residential care for their own protection , at least for a limited period of time , which would afford a breathing space for all concerned and enable a proper assessment to be made of the situation — including the wishes of the old person once they were out of the violent or neglectful environment .
7 ‘ It is worth emphasising that a return to first principles of traffic safety for children does not give support for the abolition of shared space ’ approaches in favour of either ‘ Radburn'-style pedestrian-vehicle segregation … nor a return to Roads In Urban Areas ’ styles of design with relatively wide , fast roads in residential areas ’
8 Rowe and Lambert , in describing the aspirations of social workers in child care before 1970 , thought that the failure to plan for children in public care stemmed in part from a rejection by social workers of state care for children as a permanent alternative to care by the natural family .
9 Smelser argues that male trade-union agitation against married women 's employment after the 1830s was due to the enforced decline of employment opportunities for children and hence the need for an adult presence in a newly constituted home life .
10 Simply ideal for families it has direct access on to the beach and offers a wide range of holiday activities for children .
11 The report favours the setting of attainment targets for children at 7 , 11 and 16 ( though with some publicly expressed reservations by Sir John Kingman himself about whether English can be ‘ mastered rung by rung ’ as in climbing a ladder ( Nash , 1988 ) ) , and spells out in some detail what these should be .
12 Whilst at one time the personal characteristics of children , and the circumstances in which they were received into care , set them apart from other children not admitted into care , the norms of family life for children inside and outside of public care could no longer be regarded as so different from each other .
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