Example sentences of "of [noun] [noun] [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The specification of assessment requirements leads in turn to the identification of individuals within the workplace to act as assessors .
2 Also at this event the Champion of Oulton series continues with Graham Riley of Rochdale out to prove that he can stay on top of the contest and improve on his third place last year .
3 A pile of toy animals lies in the corner of the gallery in Telling Tales .
4 The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics implies , however , that a particle of mass m behaves like a wave of wavelength h/mc , where h is Planck 's constant ( the small number 6.62 × 10 -27 erg-second ) and c is the velocity of light .
5 This second phase of gluR appearance starts at 16–17h AEL and continues through the end of embryogenesis ( 21h AEL ) .
6 The rate of heart contractions increases in an attempt to preserve blood flow to the vital organs .
7 We know that about 50–60 per cent of the cause of heart disease relates to smoking , high blood pressure , high cholesterol and saturated fat .
8 In any case — and this is probably the least-quoted medical fact at parties — the lowest risk of heart disease occurs at about a glass of wine a day , so the average social drinker is well past any ‘ protective ’ effect of alcohol .
9 The risk of heart disease halves after one year , and that of lung cancer falls gradually over 10 years .
10 Individual librarians themselves have not been slow to recommend model programmes and the literature of user education abounds with such statements and desiderata .
11 The inference of user information needs from user information-seeking behaviour has led to much confusion .
12 The degree of user customisation varies from system to system .
13 The last remaining section of Wychwood Forest belongs to the manor farm .
14 A steep flight of brick steps leads from the churchyard to the rectory garden , and another long flight in stone connects the churchyard with the street above .
15 As we approach the millennium , the price of computer power continues on its downward way .
16 For each piece of field research aims at achieving a ‘ scoop ’ which will redound to the anthropologist 's credit , and the more interesting and exciting the raw data the better .
17 The process usually employed to deal with allegations of teacher/pupil sex seems to be designed to protect those interests .
18 This continuous time model finds that the price of index futures depends on the volatility of returns on the index , as well as on the spot price , dividend yield , the risk-free rate of interest and the time to delivery .
19 If there is uncertainty as to whether the defendant 's negligence has caused the damage , it has to be determined what degree of probability of damage occurring has to be established by the plaintiff .
20 Several months were spent in the preparation and editing of case study reports on 19 of the 80 counties which were studied .
21 Of course consumerism works by convincing people that they actually ‘ need ’ non-essential products as an aid to the quality of life .
22 One of the greatest novels , I think , in America since the Second World War is by a black novelist , Ralph Ellison 's Invisible Man erm and of course Baldwin comes to mind , but there are many others .
23 There will be funds for the schooling of the Corporation Man 's children , special superannuation schemes and of course expense accounts for overseas travel , entertaining and other corporation ‘ responsibilities ’ .
24 Of course care has to be taken that the aggressive male does not turn his attentions to other occupants and if this is the case then he will have to be removed and if it is still the intention to breed the pair , then the divided tank method , with one fish in either half , will have to be considered .
25 It is of course penalty kicks at goal which slow down play and I would deal with them very drastically , as in these modern days they quite often determine the result of a match .
26 Another important feature of text organization derives from the overlapping notions of genre and text type .
27 Intellectuals are appalled by the lowest common denominator mentality of the popular soap operas , and there are constant complaints that 40% of Televisa programming emanates from the USA .
28 Here Nevile de Moraes of William Osborne looks at the FAB 3 story from the builder 's point of view .
29 The value of T g depends on the way in which it is measured but it is also found to be a function of the polymer chain length .
30 The other norw. players in the premiership seem certain of holding their places — players like Halle of Oldham , Thorstvedt ( Spurs ) and the rest of the pack are having a good spell at the moment ; Lars Bohinen of Nott Forest has in fact been nicknamed Super-Lars by the fans …
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