Example sentences of "of [noun] [is] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 An important function of assessment is that it can help determine the extent to which a child 's language is subject to changes over time .
2 The final point by way of preface is that it is a mistake to assume that all black people are deprived .
3 A major benefit of ISDN is that it is a dial-up service , just like the ordinary phone network .
4 The main advantage of this type of support is that it keeps the joint warm , but it has to be said that it is not really suitable for more recent or severe injuries .
5 The reality of the process of change is that it is conducted in context .
6 The problem with a lot of acts is that they do n't realize their limitations .
7 Perhaps the only glimmer of hope is that there has been no increase in the use of heroin , cocaine and crack just 1.2pc admit to trying them , the same as in 1990 .
8 The advantage of this concept of function is that it avoids absolute distinctions between one kind of text and another .
9 Yet the whole point of crossbenchers is that their values are unpigeonholeable .
10 What is usually said about the invention of printing is that it greatly expanded an earlier minority culture , and at last made it into a majority culture .
11 The whole character of faith is that it does not rest on itself , nor on what can be seen as an extension of itself , but on what is quite other than itself , by which its own emptiness is filled .
12 Yet the danger of both these kinds of literature is that they offer just the kinds of all-explaining and deterministic theories as the form of Marxism we reviewed earlier .
13 The highest type of firework last year if it was specified was the sparkler remarkably enough and we would make this point very seriously that parents tend to give children sm very small children sparklers and they must remember tha that these things are fireworks they are dangerous they do get red hot er they must supervise them at all times when they give them sparklers cos they may wave them around they may se set somebody else 's clothing on fire with them they may get the sparks in their eyes if they get too close to them er and one particular danger of course is that they they may get hold of en the hot end when the firework has finally extinguished and they think it 's all finished with .
14 Any nation has to learn democracy er , and it seems to me that all the people of the Soviet Union have shown over the last four or five years a lively interest in politics and considerable to participate in politics , er one of the problems is of course is that they 've been doing so , too much and in too disorganised a way , they 're going to have to get together .
15 The alternative of course is that we could reconvene later on Tuesday , if the hall is available .
16 The other thing of course is that you have n't got any choice anyway , because the yen to have children is about as basic as the yen to have sex .
17 The danger of compromise of course is that you forget what 's been relinquished in the pursuit of what 's been achieved .
18 And the sales pitch of course is that you do n't take the second year 's payment until a year later .
19 And the answer of course is that it depends how much you make God like yourself , and that 's a test that Milton does n't come altogether well out of .
20 Obviously , after a major international disturbance of this kind , people are concerned about the airways , and the reality of course is that it 's erm a damn sight more dangerous to cross the M forty than it is to cross the Atlantic .
21 What 's much more important for him is of course is that he 's score , got his name on the score sheet and Tony will be such a relieved man , and the crowd 's so delighted for him .
22 Erm two things now have cropped up number one of course is that there 's a fair chance within the next year we 're gon na lose Bill anyway through civilianisation , and secondly er the fact that er his boss er Rick has said to him , look I do n't want you going up a division any more to do erm A L O work , quite reasonably , he 's not being funny about it , it 's quite reasonable , cos its mileage .
23 On the one hand , it would seem that if a claim can be framed as one in contract or tort , or if it concerns a private legal right , it need not be brought under Ord. 53 even if the very ground on which the respondent 's action is alleged to be a tort or breach of contract is that it was illegal in a public law sense .
24 A condition of entitlement is that you should not have capital , including savings , of more than £8,000 .
25 The implication here for policy-makers who would wish to promote movement away from transmission patterns of teaching is that there is a need to ease and improve those conditions that currently incline teachers towards survival more than mere coping , and towards the control-centred transmission-style pedagogies that follow from it .
26 For many of us , one of the fascinations of teaching is that it is not a static affair , a series of learned techniques regularly applied , but a continuing exploration of possibilities .
27 I 'm also an alternative therapist and I do find that this is one of the major problems , that ninety percent of my patients who come to me suffer from stress and depression , and really what has happened in a lot of cases is that they have been put on valium and drugs , they find the side effects are horrific !
28 Taken to its logical conclusion ( and the advantage of Baudrillard is that he does just this ) , this view entails a denial of all signification .
29 The main attraction of B&B is that it has always been far cheaper than hotels and this is still the case .
30 A second important contribution made by the notion of implicature is that it provides some explicit account of how it is possible to mean ( in some general sense ) more than what is actually " said " ( i.e. more than what is literally expressed by the conventional sense of the linguistic expressions uttered ) .
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