Example sentences of "of [noun] [vb past] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By 1341 the Forest of Dean had been diminished by a quarter , and the warden 's farm was reduced from £160 to £120 .
2 By June 1318 the forest of Selwood in Wiltshire had been so much reduced in size that the warden 's farm of £10 a year could no longer be paid , and the Forest of Dean had been reduced by a quarter before the end of the reign .
3 Robert had seen the development in varying stages , and had assisted in shipping out tons of building materials , but it was four months since he had been to Barbados and a lot of progress had been made since then .
4 Timid winds of change had been trying to blow in Spanish universities since 1951 , when a relatively progressive Minister of Education , Joaquin Ruiz-Giménez , had initiated an attempt to revitalize and open up the torpid and reactionary Spanish education system .
5 ‘ Staff numbers had doubled over the previous five to six years and a programme of change had been thrust upon us by the market , ’ explained .
6 By May the principle of change had been accepted as inevitable , for once an extension of the franchise had been proposed , it would be suicidal for the party to oppose it , and there was thus a need to concentrate on pressing detailed amendments , for example to protect the interests and representation of agriculture .
7 A task force of experts had been established to advise other countries in anti-drug strategies and the number of drug liaison officers working from UK embassies was being increased to 20 .
8 The thick coils of hair had been pinned up beneath it by a patient Sister Anne , who sighed as she went about her task .
9 Her head smarted painfully where several strands of hair had been wrenched out by her violent struggles , the fragile material of her shift had torn further , and she was shaking uncontrollably and unable to stand upright .
10 The sum of £250 had been borrowed from Joseph Barnard , the treasurer , to make good the actual deficiency which ‘ had not arisen from any defect or negligence whatever in the management of the institution , but on the contrary arose from the great success of the Infirmary and the high reputation it had acquired , so that the number of patients had increased rapidly ’ .
11 Six of his retainers were put to death at York on the day of his own execution , together with another eleven rebels , including Roger Clifford and John Mowbray , whose claim to the lordship of Gower had been set aside by the king in 1319 .
12 Slovo 's publication of a draft policy programme Has socialism failed ? , revising the former hardline SACP stance to espouse multiparty democracy , received considerable attention , particularly in view of the close alliance between the SACP and the ANC , and the extent to which the threat of communism had been accentuated by the South African regime in its attitude to the ANC in the past .
13 The power of Chaos had been growing for some years .
14 Pieces of shirt had been wrapped round their heads .
15 On Feb. 3 the allies claimed that 25 of the 30 major bridges on routes leading into the Kuwaiti theatre of operations had been destroyed .
16 US estimates suggested that some 750 Iraqi tanks , 650 artillery pieces and 600 armoured personnel carriers in the Kuwaiti theatre of operations had been destroyed .
17 A report on the first three months of the system claimed that 77 per cent of contracts had been won by in-house tenders .
18 By the 1870s , full specialisation of function had been achieved and there were eleven functional clerical departments such as claims , correspondence , finance , lapse , policy registration , and so on .
19 Olszewski said that he had approved the retirement because once a civilian Minister of Defence had been appointed in December 1991 — see pp. 38685-86 ] , there was no post suitable for such a high-ranking officer .
20 Others still detained at the end of March had been held for almost 10 years .
21 There were two decisions which were binding where the rule of privilege had been applied to copied documents : The Palermo ( 1883 ) 9 PD 6 , and Watson v Cammel Laird & Co ( Shipbuilders and Engineers ) Ltd ( 1959 ) 1 WLR 702 .
22 In O'Reilly v. Mackman the House of Lords held that a prisoner who was seeking to challenge ( on the ground of breach of natural justice ) a decision of a Board of Prison Visitors which had the effect of depriving him of a remission of sentence , had to use AJR procedure because he had no private law right to a remission but only a legitimate expectation that the remission would be granted if no disciplinary sentence of forfeiture of remission had been made against him .
23 It is true that certain measures of nationalisation had been undertaken in the first months of Soviet government — for example , the Merchant Marine had been taken over in January 1918 and the sugar industry nationalised in May of that year — but the main efforts had been directed towards a stabilisation and regularisation of the tottering economy on the existing basis of ownership .
24 The final act of the winter of discontent had been played by the students .
25 Members of Darlington recreation committee yesterday heard how more than £3,500 worth of damage had been caused to art works in the Myles Meehan Gallery over the past few months .
26 It was only after a new system of physics had been devised , a process that involved the intellectual labour of many scientists over several centuries , that the new theory could be successfully matched with the results of observation and experiment in a detailed way .
27 William Thompson , Lord Kelvin , the celebrated physicist , thought that all the basic problems of physics had been solved , though a number of relatively minor problems remained to be cleared up .
28 Prior to Donoghue v. Stevenson the law relating to the tort of negligence had been fragmented .
29 What level of negligence had been shown by the authorities ?
30 A police spokesman confirmed a number of calls had been received from people worried about what was happening on Thursday afternoon .
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