Example sentences of "of [noun] [prep] the most " in BNC.

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1 But landing safely in torrential rain , with a squally and unpredictable wind , can only be a matter of luck for the most skilled pilot .
2 It needs to be seen as part of a continuum of experience from the most ordinary and humdrum to the most sublime and special .
3 There is n't even a close second , but obviously there are a good number of queries on the most commonly kept cichlids — Kribs ( Pelvicachromis pulcher ) , Angels ( Pterophyllum scalare ) , Rams ( Papilichromis ramirezi ) , Firemouths ( Thorichthys meeki ) , Severums ( Heros severus ) and Convicts ( ‘ Cichlasoma ’ nigrofasciatum ) .
4 She knew that writing his name was never going to get him back , even if they wrote it hundreds of times in the most beautiful book in the world .
5 The draft on revelation ( and a companion , ‘ On preserving the deposit of faith in its purity ’ , also rejected ) were prepared mainly by theologians of this tendency , who had been brought up to think of modernism as the most fundamental , comprehensive and insidious of all heresies .
6 The point is not to seek to vindicate , but to understand the differing responses of pacifists to the most difficult situation they have faced in this century .
7 But following a shake up last year in internal procedures , he says that most applications for cash are dealt with in a couple of months at the most .
8 It was an unforgettable painting ; it set a dense golden halo of light round the most trivial of moments , so that the moment , and all such moments , could never be completely trivial again .
9 The result was evident not only in a growing emigration movement but also in the disproportionately high number of Jews in the most radical political parties .
10 Night fishing can be enjoyable in its own right , even without the added attraction of fishing at the most likely times for fish to feed , but only if you go about it the right way .
11 Despite the complex set of influences , we would emphasize the high rate of accumulation as the most fundamental factor behind the decline in profitability .
12 It is possible that there is quite genuinely some impairment of recall for the most risky situations , however , such risky events were simply extremely rare .
13 I thought of hypothetical dangers — murderers , rapists ; and I have no doubt that such are abroad at night in the most unlikely of places at the most unlikely of times .
14 An abundance of sunbeds around the most spectacular pool you 'll ever see beckon you to unwind with the gentle lapping of the sea as background music .
15 Accountants have been given a vote of confidence as the most understanding and helpful advisers for British private companies , by the 1,000 owner-directors involved in a recent survey by The Director magazine and Pannell Kerr Forster .
16 In 1982 the European Community ( EC ) , when offering financial help , stressed the need for reform and said that ‘ the manner of dealing with psychiatric patients is often close to the limits of denial of the most basic notions of human dignity . ’
17 Some observers have even described the emergence of multimedia as the most significant event in the history of information technology since Gutenberg invented the printing press .
18 When I first went , I thought I 'd only get them for a couple of weeks at the most .
19 I think at the onset we all thought , it 's not gon na last long you know a couple of weeks at the most .
20 You 'll only be there a couple of days at the most .
21 Below a simple consensus based on the number of occurrences of each base at each position is presented , the suffix indicates the number of occurrences of the most frequent base .
22 PP : Ladies and gentlemen of the jury , welcome to another live edition of ‘ Your Witness ’ where I , Perry Perseverance , the well-known television lawyer , seek to hear the people 's evidence and point the finger of guilt in the most unlikely of directions .
23 Waking bright and early the next morning I reached for a copy of Delicacy as the most economical means of establishing whether I was still alive .
24 The critics argued that some cut-back or restraint in spending or provision was necessary , both to fund tax cuts and allow for the concentration of resources on the most needy .
25 They 're determined to expose your pitiful lack of knowledge at the most awkward moments .
26 This view contrasts with that of many outsiders , and the research of Muir ( 1977 ) and Reiner ( 1978 ) describes the ‘ professional ’ type of policeman as the most competent , although the indexical nature of the notion of ‘ common sense ’ enables these views to be dismissed by ordinary policemen and women because the authors lack this same quality .
27 Almost the whole of Praetorius 's enormous output consists of compositions of the most diverse types , from the simplest to the most elaborate , on Lutheran hymns ( and secondarily on the Latin portions of the Lutheran liturgy ) .
28 Such a satisfying idea — noise annoys — at once simple-to-grasp kernel and yet capable of inflation into the most grandiose theories of subversion .
29 Hill 's rapid rise after his international debut against South Africa in 1984 coincided with the development of Bath as the most accomplished club side in England .
30 As I wrote to you at the time ( since you refused even then to see me or any of your old friends and supporters ) I accepted the MS as a sacred trust and would do what I could to see that it eventually saw the light of day in the most appropriate form .
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