Example sentences of "of [noun] [prep] the more " in BNC.

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1 Both the SRs and the Mensheviks attracted a measure of support among the more backward , less class-conscious workers .
2 Consequently it did not really manage to achieve the level of plausibility of the more popularly accepted opposite view of classical criminology — that official processing deters further deviant acts .
3 If the deviant reneges again in the punishment phase , this is met with a reimposition of the punishment phase from its beginning , thus postponing the date of reversion to the more profitable collusive phase .
4 One might expect that differences in the level of regional income and employment would be accompanied by a migration of labour into the more prosperous regions .
5 As well as suffering greater vulnerability to international trade cycles , the periphery also suffers a loss of labour to the more advanced areas .
6 Everyone agreed that this was a sensible decision , with the exception of growers from the more outlying districts , in particular the Midi , who had a vested interest in selling to Champagne and who would certainly be excluded .
7 In part this was a reflection of the great strain on small financial resources which building , maintaining and perhaps in time enlarging workhouses imposed , but it also reflected the greater difficulty in an effective and controlled administration of out-relief in the more anonymous and densely populated towns .
8 They could n't detect the smell of cocaine through the more pungent odour of coffee .
9 After the conclusion of hostilities , Eliot began the process of readjustment to the more settled but no less uncomfortable conditions of peace .
10 Withdrawal from southern England , therefore , may have been accompanied by a period of consolidation in the more immediately adjoining territories around the Mercian heartland , analogous to processes at work in northern and southern England .
11 It is wrong to assume , claims Gershuny , that as levels of affluence rise more generally , as a result of technological developments , the pattern of consumption of the more recently affluent will mirror that of the the Victorian middle and landed classes .
12 It has led not only to the preservation and publication of documents — in the narrow and conventional sense of the term — on a colossal scale , in an age when they are more plentiful than ever before , but also to the reverential preservation of monuments from the more distant past by learned societies , governments and interested private persons .
13 Provided that volunteers are not allowed a watch and that they do not use television or radio then they are in an environment which combines some of the comforts of home with the more exacting requirements of free-running experiments .
14 In any case , things were obviously improving and progressing , a situation which was unlikely to concentrate the minds of economists on the more profound aspects of their science .
15 The Queen heads a long list of lenders of the more than 700 objects in the exhibition .
16 I think the toughening and , if you like , the coarsening of his nature had much to do with his own insecurities , his fears , his shyness and his realization that he was somewhat out of place among the more gung-ho and simple-minded types who make up the bulk of racing drivers .
17 Boehm 's group began work in 1979 at the research reactor at the Institut Laue Langevin ( ILL ) in Grenoble , but the researchers have since moved their apparatus to take advantage of the higher flux of neutrinos from the more powerful commercial reactor at Goesgen in Switzerland .
18 However , the significance of climates of the more remote geological past is greatest in connection with their role in the formation of relief now being exhumed from coverings of later rocks .
19 Apart from the battle of Qadesiyah in AD 637 during the original advance of Islam , so frequently invoked by Iraq as a source of inspiration in the more recent conflict with Iran , Persians and the inhabitants of what is today Iraq have been making forays into one another 's territory for centuries .
20 It seems clear that the Crown had greater powers of nomination in the more newly established institutions , that within all departments it was more likely to nominate to the most recently created offices , and that it was trying , with some measure of success , to extend its powers .
21 The appropriation of ecclesiastical revenues by secular lords such as the Durfort during the twelfth century , and the installation of kinsmen in the more lucrative benefices , meant that a greater degree of lay patronage of the Church was exercised by the Gascon nobility than by their northern French contemporaries .
22 There were a numbers of factors which pointed strongly in favour of Ohio as the more appropriate forum for the trial of the disputes .
23 The case has been subjected to analysis by the House of Lords in the more unfriendly climate of the 1980s .
24 It had also long been a great source of amusement to the more belligerent regulars as they watched the uninitiated stumble in and sit down .
25 Farming communities , such as are found in Central Wales , benefitted a great deal from the advent of the railway : it meant cheaper raw materials , but at the same time the value of farm produce increased due to the railways ' ease of access to the more affluent urban markets .
26 It was during this time that he was invited to the discussions of the CIV/n group , a gathering of poets of the more serious sort — and to some extent inspired by Ezra Pound 's revitalising energies , even as its name was culled from his writings — who had just launched a new poetry magazine of that name .
27 Although the case of the Orkney community may be rather extreme , studies of villages in the more accessible countryside have also identified significant differences in the values of newcomers and locals , and the working and middle classes ( Pahl 1965b ; Thorns 1968 ) .
28 Stories and legends may have offered some sort of introduction to the more distant past , but it may well be necessary to use one of the school designed local history units as a " bridging " unit to work backwards in time , in a series of leaps , in order to bridge the chasm between history within living memory ( which will have been the natural focus for much work at Key Stage 1 ) and distant periods such as the age of Ancient Egyptians or Romans .
29 In the British case , Champion ( 1987 ) has argued that explanations for decentralization and counterurbanization should be sought chiefly in the 1960s and that the circumstances of the 1970s should be used to explain the resurgence of growth in the more urban regions in the 1980s .
30 A liberal- democratic constitution , with the danger of " class legislation " ( the phrase used to voice the fear of a working-class takeover through the ballot box ) and an intrusion into the rights of property through the more direct , participatory , and collective democracy of a mandated House of Commons of delegates close to working-class constituencies , seemed to be quite another .
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