Example sentences of "of [noun] [noun sg] and the " in BNC.

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1 Platelet structure and its relationship to platelet function has been given tremendous impetus , through the application of electromicroscopy to the study of platelet anatomy and the development of techniques for isolation of physiologically active platelets and their preservation for ultrastructural study .
2 Use of the Collagen Programme will help to combat the effects of skin hydration and the resultant wrinkles and sagging .
3 Several of the dehydrogenases that participate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle have been identified in the mitochondria of insect flight-muscle and the cycle can also accomplish the terminal stages of lipid and amino-acid breakdown .
4 PC superstores account for nearly a quarter of the total market in the US , and they 're beginning to make inroads into the UK market as well with the likes of PC World and the Business Superstore .
5 Tachycardia recognition was initially guided by a combination of heart rate and the morphological characteristics of the electrical signal obtained from the electrodes used for defibrillation .
6 In 1519 Von Hutten , a poet , published De Morbi Gallici Curatione per Administrationem Ligni Guaiaci in which he described the tortures of mercury treatment and the blessed relief of this new extract .
7 In the construction industry a record volume of backlog work and the government 's massive programme of infrastructure spending led to predictions of considerable growth at least until 1993 .
8 Thus in going down any Main Group of the Periodic Table ( p-block elements ) , both the increase of atom mass and the decrease in bond strength lead to a lowering of the stretching frequency .
9 The Trust also wishes to acknowledge the major contributions both financial and in kind made by the following organizations : We are also grateful to Mrs. Ayles of Cardiff castle and the many private individuals who have helped and assisted since the beginning of the project .
10 On May 20 the human rights organization Amnesty International had expressed concern at the lack of access of defence counsel and the " selection " process for the 200 detainees waiting to be tried .
11 The contributions of the Chief Scientific Adviser , the Chief of Defence Procurement and the Permanent Under-Secretary and their staffs increased progressively relative to those of the military Chiefs , creating new and inevitably rival centres of power within the Defence commodity market .
12 A combination of peer support and the ‘ legitimising ’ effect of the GCSE upon the new ways of working encouraged Rick to contemplate making radical changes to his mathematics curriculum for the intake year .
13 Whatever the mix of capital investment and labour , new designs only rarely emerge from Glascoed : each has to have survived the tortuous processes of ministry procurement and the logistical rigours of subcontracted production — often involving half a dozen other factories , sometimes more .
14 The special nature of computer software and the fact that software is usually acquired by means of a licence have several legal implications .
15 Sample results can be portrayed as the outcome of laboratory analysis with all that that implies about accuracy , validity , and reliability , an impression doubtless enhanced by the use of computer print-out and the provision of results to one or more decimal places ( cf.
16 The monthly report will be written in the form of a memo to the Director , Information Systems , with copies to the Head of Computer Development and the New OED Project Director .
17 The probe does not need to be kept moist making it suitable for all types of field work and the fact that there is no glass present makes it ideal for the food and drink pharmaceutical industries .
18 As Table 8.3 and Figure 8.3 show the most dramatic changes were the enlargement of field size and the loss of hedgerow trees , with a much greater rate of change in the arable areas in order to take advantage of large modern machinery .
19 It must be appreciated , therefore , that when Coenwulf maintained that Offa wished to diminish the dignity of Canterbury because of his hatred of Archbishop Jaenberht and the people of Kent , whereas Pope Leo declared that it was because of the vastness of his lands and kingdom that Offa had desired it , both were representing Offa 's motives in ways which suited their immediate purposes .
20 Trade has increased because of the general revival of cask ale and the pickings to be made from the ‘ guest beer ’ policy .
21 Using data for concurrent five-minute periods , he found that for 14 , 15 , 16 and the morning of 19 October , there was a highly significant positive relationship between the volume of index arbitrage and the size of the mispricing .
22 Yet they did have an important influence on the evolution of bargaining structure and the characteristic form which it assumed .
23 Lord Denning , applying D.& C. Builders v. Rees , below , held that there was no true accord and satisfaction — there was inequality of bargaining power and the plaintiff was unaware of his rights at common law .
24 Thus when determining what contracts fall within or outside the ambit of s 3 , issues of reasonableness , equality of bargaining power and the possibility of negotiation are in fact not very relevant , except in so far as they could move a judge to finding that terms were standard or not in borderline cases .
25 Their chapter includes recommendations from the Institute of Personnel Management and the House of Commons Employment Committee which are designed to improve the situation of older people in employment and on moving into retirement .
26 The use of framework legislation and the practice of delegated legislation were thus viewed essentially as methods of efficiently allocating legislative tasks .
27 An investigation of the dilute solution behaviour of a polymer can provide useful information about the size and shape of the coil , the extent of polymer-solvent interaction and the molar mass .
28 Later , he donned the vast pyjamas , switched on the television for a bit of background and settled down on the bed with the half-bottle of Jim Beam and The Book of Ultimate Truths .
29 In psychology , work clustered around the ideas of Frederiksen ( 1975 ) , Meyer ( 1975 ) , Rumelhart ( 1975 ) , Kintsch ( 1977 ) , Thorndyke ( 1977 ) , and Mandler and Johnson ( 1977 ) has led to dozens of studies based on an analysis of various types of text structure and the relationship between text structure and recall .
30 Again , with one exception to which I will come in a moment , all the main rates of income support and the related applicable amounts for housing benefit and community charge benefit , together with the credits in family credit , will rise by the full 7 per cent .
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