Example sentences of "of [noun] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 During the period of field-work the sorts of crime that occurred in Easton under this heading included murder and major robbery , possession of drugs , breaking and entering , car chases for stolen vehicles , and the occasional sex-related crime .
2 Collectively , the population of Britain perform millions of acts every day during their waking hours , yet the net result of all this is not chaos and confusion , but a reasonable approximation of order : motorists drive on the left-hand side of the road , not on the right ; shoppers offer coins and banknotes , cheques and cheque cards in exchange for goods and services , not goats and chickens or nothing at all ; love-making takes place indoors in bedrooms , and not outside on the pavement .
3 However , since the mid-1970s for a variety of reasons the content of this ‘ citizenship of entitlement ’ has been reduced .
4 The evaluators conclude that while the evaluation has shown how INSET and staff development can be enriched by a project like the Essex scheme , for a variety of reasons the development of this area has been disappointing .
5 To add to AW 's existing range of products a number of high quality and complementary brands of beer with the capacity not only for regional development but also rapid national development through AW 's marketing network .
6 Motherwell should beat Partick at Fir Park to leapfrog into ninth place while in the battle of Brockville the losers of the Falkirk v Airdrie match will , realistically , have little chance of avoiding the drop .
7 Montage always ‘ places the spectator 's look in question , ( it ) poses the question of its constitution , and makes the institution of cinema the question of every film ’ .
8 In all but the very smallest of projects a number of people will be involved , some with specialist knowledge not necessarily in the possession of the project manager .
9 From the early stages of industrialisation the demand for unskilled labour was exceeded only by the supply ; as an occupational category it remained dominant .
10 The clause recommends compensation of £250 a year for every mile of hedgerow conserved .
11 For a town of this rank it seems almost incredible until we recall that Walsingham enjoyed a lucrative tourist trade as far and away the most popular resort of pilgrimage , the shrine alone deriving an income of £250 a year from the pious offerings of the faithful , compared with the meagre £36 to which that of St Thomas at Canterbury had by then shrunk .
12 The following week tests were carried out and I went with Dad to watch the Brigade endeavouring to pump water to the roof of Blooms the Drapers on The Canal — possibly the City 's tallest building .
13 The permitted limits of £1,000 a year in total for gifts , and the exemptions of as many small gifts of £100 a year as the donor may choose and of all gifts out of surplus income are not unreasonable for ordinary individuals ; and the raising of the exempt gift on marriage to £5,000 per parent will probably exceed the capacity of most parents , particularly that of the bride 's parents saddled with the cost of the reception as well .
14 After a period of chaos a sequence of Agaw monarchs , known as the Zagwe dynasty , established themselves .
15 Given that these defendants are unlikely to know the names of solicitors the responsibility for acting quickly settles on the duty solicitor .
16 As the Institute of Fiscal Studies today points out , the new system in effect means there is a charge of 86p a week for belonging to the system ; then there is a 9 per cent tax on income between £43 and £325 .
17 Where once you would have had as a matter of necessity a plot with at its heart some intricate deception , often unlikely , now your plot will arise from the characters you want to write about .
18 Although the petitioner was , for the reasons indicated , entitled to appeal as of right , the present petition by the petitioner is of necessity a petition for the grant of special leave to appeal and the grant of such leave remains discretionary : see Lopes v. Valliappa Chettiar [ 1968 ] A.C. 887 .
19 Entitled Challenge , it ‘ will be progressive in the sense that it understands Christian faith to be of necessity a commitment to the cause of all who are oppressed , discriminated against or unjustly treated . ’
20 Of necessity the pronunciation of the individual sounds , the various vowels and consonants , will have to be mastered as soon as possible , otherwise it will be impossible to speak intelligibly .
21 They imbibed of necessity the belief in order and stability and , inevitably and as was intended , projected the same values on to the street people .
22 British Gas said the July-October reductions would mean a saving of £27 a year for a three-bedroom , centrally-heated semi-detached home .
23 Quite apart from the drafting of contracts the task of the engineer involves a great deal of communication , much of it by the written word .
24 And therefore , if it can really come to this possibility of ministry a sort of , Young Farmers Club idea of getting themselves about that could be a a a a , a , a marvellous boost .
25 The rural sociological literature of the 1960s of the diffusionist school has demonstrated to the point of overkill the problem of the laggard and the small farmer ( Rogers & Shoemaker 1971 ) .
26 Every year during the month of March a family of ragged gypsies would set up their tents near the village , and with a great uproar of pipes and kettledrums they would display new inventions .
27 By the end of March the bulk of our winter visitors have departed .
28 But if , having served a term in purgatory , if having had the chance to try his arguments on other philosophers , Hegel was not unrepentant , he might agree that there was perhaps something in the alternative view : that each of the factors affecting historical development does have its own authenticity ; that they act upon and react to one another ; that from time to time this or that factor will take on a greater or lesser importance ; that of course — with a nod in the direction of Marx — at least since the neolithic age and the development of agriculture the mode of production has been a major factor ; and that the actions of particular men , Marx among them , have in fact been formative , changing not merely the degree of development of a kind already prescribed by a programme of social evolution , but the kind of development itself .
29 In the development through the years of adolescence the number of foreclosure pupils will diminish , hence the recruitment of boys into science would be cut .
30 Most of the CEB men , Hacking included , saw as one of the great prizes of nationalisation the possibility of escaping from the voluntarism which had characterised their former relations with the undertakings .
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