Example sentences of "of [pron] be [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 Such a result would mean one of the largest-ever Labour intakes , with at least 120 new faces joining the 206 Labour MPs standing for re-election — most of whom are confident of winning .
2 In an era of sponsorship , personal endorsement and a volatile transfer market , it is not surprising that footballers — some of whom are incapable of managing their own toilet-bag — should turn to specialist agents .
3 The unlucky ones find themselves pig-in-the-middle between college and school tutors , each of whom is convinced of the rightness of their own particular way of teaching and the wrongness ( hopelessly impractical , hopelessly out-of-date ) of the other .
4 During these few years , the school was attended by four boys , each of whom is worthy of our attention .
5 Ken Pitt : ‘ I think the great problem was David was always very insecure and because he was n't achieving the renown he wanted , like most artists he began to worry , bearing in mind that David was now living at Haddon Hall with a few of his friends , all of whom were unaware of what was going on in the office and how we were planning David 's career , what progress we were really making .
6 For 21 subjects ( 16 patients and five controls ) the count was made at different times by three independent observers , two of whom were unaware of the diagnosis .
7 I met 15 women , all of whom said they wanted to learn machine knitting , but most of whom were afraid of taking responsibility for the machine .
8 She wielded great power among the women , most of whom were afraid of her .
9 Many of them are reminiscent of Modigliani 's nudes .
10 It being reported to this Meeting that the Peck Measures of the different corners of Islay do not agree in size , & that many of them are deficient of the Legal Standard Measure of this Country-In order to remedy this evil it is recommended that in place of the Heaped Peck commonly used that a streak measure answering exactly to the standard measure of Islay shou 'd be substituted in place of the Heap measure , & in order to carry this Resolution into Execution the Meeting do hereby appoint the following Committee … it is earnestly recommended to these Gentlemen to have the different Pecks of the different Parishes brought to the proper Streak measure , and to have these pecks Branded with Shawfield 's Iron , and this being once done it is recommended to the said Committee to cause publish at the Parish Churches that if any person within their Bounds shall Sell or Buy with any other peck than the Peck so ascertained & stamped , that they shall be Fined at the discretion of the Baron Baillie of Islay
11 Many of them are capable of organising their lives with dignity but others fall into football 's in-built poverty trap .
12 However , when observed over long periods , many species are found to be generalist in that individuals of them are capable of taking advantage of ‘ specialist ’ interactions at any one time : the ‘ anachronisms ’ show this , as do the generalized pollinators on islands where plants have ‘ left their pollinators behind ’ , e.g. a cetoniid beetle , Mauseolopsis aldabrensis , visits 58% of all flowering species , native or introduced , of all colours and morphology , on the coral atoll of Aldabra off the African coast , but it shows a remarkably high degree of constancy in its foraging flights .
13 The language barrier is n't too much of a problem , but some of them are frightened of police in their country so are a bit suspicious of us
14 ‘ Most of them are incapable of fighting because of the way the system squeezes all the verve and vigour out of them .
15 By putting those volunteers through a series of rapid tests on-stage , he will soon discover which of them are able of achieving the deep-trance state ; it is only these people who will respond quickly and satisfactorily to his suggestions .
16 But neither of them is incapable of pursuing the artificial fiction of being himself .
17 Then his mouth found hers again and the rest of the world could have disappeared without a trace without either of them being aware of it .
18 And er the things that we had , we had a or two when they used to be , when all the cars most of them were open of course in the early days and except for the , the limousines who were chauffeur driven .
19 All of them were aware of their role and did n't seem to mind too much that their peers thought them to be crazy .
20 Both of them were aware of Alain 's black anger and Marguerite was feeling the sorrow of leaving her own house .
21 He said : ‘ Many of them were aware of him and the job he does , but the first thing they did was to rush over and ask him for his autograph . ’
22 Neither of them was capable of searching out any fairy-tale kink in the more drab theories of evolution which might explain how it is that a frog taken ( however reluctantly ) into the soft bed of a princess can be changed overnight back into a prince .
23 Handed from one briskly obsequious waiter to another they found themselves tucked into an upholstered corner , served up with menus and dealt drinks that neither of them was conscious of having ordered .
24 Charlie might have quite enjoyed the lesson if Trentham had n't left the impression that none of them was worthy of being in the same regiment as himself .
25 Unenthusiastically , the men shone their torches around the couplings and flexible connections , but each and everyone of them was aware of the overpowering feeling of evil .
26 My intention was to juxtapose two of her works , both of which are illustrative of different periods .
27 Among the extant Hotteterre instruments there are only three transverse flutes , all of which are representative of the earliest three-piece model , and are stamped ‘ Hotteterre ’ with an anchor below .
28 At a time when the world 's largest nuclear power is in the process of disintegration into separate republics , if not worse , and when 27,000 nuclear weapons exist there , the vast majority of which are capable of inflicting considerable damage on this and other countries , it would be lunacy for us to undermine our nuclear deterrent .
29 The surrounding hills , compass and map country , have dozens of marvellous trout lochs , most of which are full of sparkling little fish ; and a few which hold much heavier specimens .
30 Moreover , through their well directed efforts , that vast resource of past literature and scriptures , every item of which is capable of innumerable interpretations , could be saved from that ultimate oblivion and loss to humanity which could result from its sheer overwhelming quantity and complexity .
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