Example sentences of "of [pron] [adv] [to-vb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Now that I 'm feeling a bit calmer , I can see that it was amazingly presumptuous of me even to imagine that Madeleine might love me enough to sacrifice all the luxuries she 's used to , just to be with me !
2 Stupid of me not to realise that here , also …
3 She had seen him surrounded by people shouting and screaming , ‘ Go on , my son ’ , not one of them down to lose or win as much as Jack , and he 'd just stand there like a beautiful , pale statue .
4 She 's had two or three of them home to stay and things .
5 ‘ Is this decision of yours just to try and thwart me , or do you have any particular reason ? ’
6 He , Ratagan and Isay were wandering the fortress and taking in the holiday atmosphere for want of something else to do before the feast began .
7 After they 've scalded my ears with their abuse for a few weeks , and paraded my wreckage before the assembled ranks as an edifying example of what not to do and how not to do it , they will probably just turn me into a stone gargoyle on the roof of some Gothic cathedral .
8 I could n't think of anything else to do except get out .
9 Most of us like to feel that we can join in and we can progress if we want to .
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