Example sentences of "of [pron] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Freedom for Lithuania ’ shouted the demonstrators , many of whom carried the yellow , red and green national flag of the republic as they marched past Morsoleum .
2 He had two daughters , a little older than my mother , both of whom attended a secondary school .
3 In pride of place was one of Rembrandt 's great representations of the Holy Family , the two women by the cradle , one of whom reads a Holy book by the frail light of a candle .
4 We were very pleased and honoured to receive a visit from the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress , both of whom displayed a keen interest in our work and were even inveigled , by , into performing with the ‘ Dopple Kloppers ’ , being taught at that session !
5 She had helped enthusiastically with the costumes , making for Mary a trailing blue robe of cornflower taffeta , her own Cambridge May Ball dress sheared apart at the seams , lending or donating bright belts and beads to deck out the three kings , one of whom wore a peacock-feathered turban made of the shot-silk stole she had worn with that dance dress .
6 Bliss made the introductions , beginning with the taller of the men , both of whom wore the nondescript dark suits traditionally favoured by high-ranking police officers .
7 Prior to the conclusion of the Bensonhurst trial , in the early hours of May 13 a gang in the predominantly black neighbourhood of Brooklyn assaulted three Vietnamese men , one of whom suffered a fractured skull .
8 Apart from his engravings , for which he became particularly well known , he was an excellent portrait painter and his painting of four children — one of whom became the fifth Duke of Devonshire — in the grounds of Chiswick House , probably attracted him to Chiswick , an area considered by many notable persons at that time , as very healthy .
9 True , even with those drawbacks , NATO functions well , but it has had the advantage of 350,000 American service men and ourselves , all of whom speak a common language .
10 The foreign ministry in St Petersburg was in the first decades of the century ludicrously overstaffed : under Alexander I it gave ostensible employment to well over 700 people ( including the poet Pushkin ) , many of whom had no real duties whatever .
11 The subjects , all of whom had no previous history of reflux disease or gastric disturbances , showed a wide range of behaviour .
12 Their attack focused on St Margaret 's School in Cricklewood , where they found ten refugee girls , three of whom had a religious background .
13 It was these brilliant architectural triumphs which so much impressed foreign visitors , many of whom had a professional interest and who came to learn as well as admire .
14 The master who went abroad had three servants , each of whom had a certain amount of ability .
15 As a further example , the chunk could be used by two users , one of whom had a small default font , and the other a large : again the size of each Title would adapt accordingly .
16 Commercially available expert system shells have been used since most of the expert systems have been developed by engineering tradesmen , few of whom had a strong computing background .
17 Jane was thirty-three and had two children , one of whom had a slight speech defect which made Jane very interested in speech therapy .
18 Accompanying these kids were what appeared to be three extravagant South American transvestites in dresses , rouge and lipstick , one of whom had a used tampon on a piece of string around her neck .
19 In a speech at a North of England conference at the beginning of 1987 Kenneth Baker , the Secretary of State for Education and Science , referred to the eccentricity of the British system of education compared with that of other European countries , all of whom had a national common curriculum .
20 There were , in fact , many Irish Americans in United Motors at high management levels , all of whom had a nostalgic affection for the ‘ auld counthrie ’ , and indeed for anything Irish ; but that was because most of them had never actually been there .
21 himself , the big , distracting man and two women , one of whom had the incisive skill of a surgeon .
22 53 of 150 patients had abnormalities of oxygenation on hospital recordings , 28 of whom had an accompanying clinical event .
23 The right hon. Gentleman will be aware that the case for pardoning Derek Bentley was supported by his trial jury , which recommended mercy in 1952 ; by the Lord Chief Justice of the day ; by the trial judge , who said subsequently that he believed that Bentley would not hang ; a subsequent Lord Chancellor , Lord Hailsham ; by many members of another place ; by many right hon. and hon. Members of this House — nearly one third of whom signed a recent early-day motion ; and by millions of our fellow citizens .
24 The present study was therefore designed to recruit a large number of patients , all of whom received the same treatment , allowing unequivocal refutation of the prospectively defined hypotheses that a heavy physical workload and a high prior recurrence rate are associated with a decreased healing rate .
25 The election of October 1951 had brought 100 new Conservative MPs into parliament all of whom received the undivided attention of the lobbyists .
26 David Fairhall adds : The regular Panamanian forces , not all of whom opposed the American intervention according to the Pentagon , were vastly outnumbered by US troops .
27 Attached to many early Christian communities were groups of ascetics , both men and women , some of whom demonstrated the supernatural character of their chastity by the sexes cohabiting , yet without sexual contact .
28 The interest in policy outcomes is influenced by a model of pluralistic evaluation which identifies the major constituent groups of a policy initiative , each of whom attaches a different notion of criteria for success to an operation , plus different strategies for pursuing objectives .
29 The Republican and Democratic contests were won by President George Bush and Governor Bill Clinton respectively , both of whom ended the primary season with sufficient party convention delegates to be assured of winning the presidential nomination of their respective parties .
30 A total of 2958 never smokers in 1988 were surveyed in 1990 , 2924 ( 99% ) of whom gave a valid response for smoking status .
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