Example sentences of "of [pron] [noun] as he " in BNC.

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1 The very considerations which make many so anxious to establish that value judgements are objective , a sense of the urgent social need of common rules , disquiet at the anarchic consequences of everyone doing as he likes , have had the effect of raising irrelevant doubts about that objectivity .
2 His perspective of them changes as he stares .
3 He understood a little of my behaviour as he was a photographer , who also provided me with many useful photographs .
4 Harry 's breath felt like the blast from a sauna door against the back of my neck as he cropped pungent cedar shoots along the way .
5 Then the ledge below , the rock edge ripping his hands , and his shoulders almost jerked out of their sockets as he fought his boots flat for a hundredth of a second against the cliff face .
6 ‘ And Svend ? ’ she asked , trying to fight down the growing awareness of Rune 's hard body so close to her own , the feel of his hand against her waist , the slight rubbing of their thighs as he measured his pace to match her own .
7 Mr Mallory heard the mutter of their liturgy as he passed : ‘ …
8 Mungo could feel the heat of its energy as he reached out to touch the edge of the beautiful destroyer …
9 He grasped her around the waist , his hands warm and hard through the thin silk of her dress as he steadied her , and Fran felt her heart run wild .
10 ‘ Give me a chance to put it right , ’ he murmured , and at the same time his fingers traced a delicate pattern over the inner skin of her wrists as he lightly caught hold of her and drew her closer .
11 Swivelling , almost blinded by the plunging edifice of her emotions as he struck at their foundations , she groped towards the door .
12 It was the first time they had met although he had known of her existence as he had of all the handful of people who lived , as the Lydsett villagers said , ‘ t' other side of the gate ’ .
13 the beads of her back as he talked in the dark .
14 His fingers were like a circle of steel around the bones of her wrist as he began moving again .
15 She watched as he crossed the meadow and felt the familiar jolt in the pit of her stomach as he came near .
16 ‘ Hilary 's not like that , ’ said Rose , struggling with a handful of vowels , but watching him from the corner of her eye as he made his way nonchalantly up the path .
17 Watching from the corner of her eye as he curled his fingers round it , she was both pleased and astonished by the look of surprise that crossed his face .
18 HAMLET , with his doublet all unbraced , no hat upon his head , his stockings fouled , ungartered and down-gyred to his ankle , pale as his shirt , his knees knocking each other … and with a look so piteous , he takes her by the wrist and holds her hard , then he goes to the length of his arm , and with his other hand over his brow , falls to such perusal of her face as he would draw it …
19 She sensed his glistening cheek brush her hair and his breath warm the side of her face as he bent forward to murmur in her ear .
20 At church , at the pub , or sitting by Dermot 's roaring peat fire , she would catch a glimpse of her father as he once was , before his life turned sour — expansive , smiling , good-humoured .
21 He suffered from a bad stutter , and the delighted hilarity of his classmates as he stumbled through simple texts was agony .
22 But she could see it all the same , in the tremors that shook the broad plain of his chest as he struggled to contain his fury .
23 He exposed the paucity of his case as he went on and every now and again he made a tantalising admission that he — rather surprisingly — agreed with certain aspects of the policy embodied in our forthcoming legislation .
24 She could only see the glint of the whites of his eyes , and the gleam of his teeth as he smiled at her .
25 ‘ What is there to get excited about ? ’ said Morris easily , the flesh beneath his chin folding over the top of his collar as he leaned back into the cushions .
26 His initial unease is indicated in his hesitant reference to being on the way to an engagement ( p. 65 ) , and his fear and powerlessness at the end of the scene reflects itself in his abandonment of his turn as he " decides abruptly to leave " ( p. 73 ) .
27 Wind whipped at Duvall 's hair and the lapels of his greatcoat as he squinted out into the rain-slashed darkness , trying to see what in hell had happened .
28 She heard the slap-slap of his brush as he filled in a large area of sky .
29 Barely able to control her shivering delight and excitement as his lips and tongue rhythmically stroked her swollen nipples , while his hands sensuously caressed her body , she shuddered violently as she felt the warmth of his skin against her own soft flesh , the gentle pressure of his fingers as he stroked her thighs .
30 Somewhere on another plane of existence she knew that he was pacing himself , tuning himself to her slower needs : that his tiny muted cries of painful frustration were evidence of his consideration as he aroused her to an aching , trembling plateau of desire .
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